Radiology — Auckland (North and West)

Radiology Services provides different types of medical imaging of the body, including internal organs, bones and tissues. The images help with the diagnosis of damage or disease and help guide treatment.

Contact us

North Shore Hospital
09 486 8936
Waitākere Hospital
09 839 0510

Where to find us

North Shore Hospital
124 Shakespeare Road
Waitākere Hospital
55 Lincoln Road

Services we provide

The service provides:

  • 24-hour acute care for the Emergency Department and hospital wards
  • community and outpatient radiology services between 8am and 4:30pm Monday to Friday.

Digital technology allows for easy image storage, fast reporting by medical staff and the sharing of images with hospitals and health professionals involved in your care.

The team provides examinations and procedures using:

  • general x-ray, mobile x-ray equipment and image intensifiers
  • ultrasound
  • fluoroscopy
  • interventional radiology
  • computed tomography (CT)
  • magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Find out more about scans and x-rays, including potential health risks.

Scans and x-rays (internal link)

Who provides your care

  • Medical imaging technologists (MITs) or radiographers perform x-ray, barium, mammography, CT and MRI examinations.
  • Sonographers perform ultrasound examinations.
  • Radiology nurses provide patient care and specialist support for procedures.
  • Radiologists are the specialist doctors who interpret images and perform interventional procedures
  • Radiology assistants aid MIT, nurses and sonographers on the day of your imaging.
  • Radiography and sonography students assist with examinations.

Referral information

Registered health professionals can refer you to Radiology services. These include your:

  • general practitioner
  • nurse practitioner
  • physiotherapists
  • dentists
  • podiatrists
  • chiropractors
  • medical specialists.