Your health after birth
It is important not to forget to take care of yourself after birth. Find out about postnatal checks, support at home, and your physical and mental wellbeing.
Postnatal checks
After birth at each visit in hospital and home, your lead maternity carer will perform regular checks to make sure you are recovering well from childbirth.
This check may include:
- breasts and nipples — to check their condition and assess milk supply
- uterus — to make sure it is returning to pre-pregnant size (usually by 6 weeks)
- blood loss (lochia) — amount, colour and odour
- perineum wound — to check healing, if appropriate, and observe for signs of infection.
- bladder and bowels — to check that they are functioning normally.
- legs — to observe for signs of blood clots and to check that swelling is reducing
- pelvic floor exercises — instruction and encouragement, to reduce the risks of incontinence later in life.
Support at home
Some parents will have more support than others. Some families are more prepared for the new pēpi (baby), both physically and emotionally, than others. A great deal of parenting is instinctive, but help is essential to surviving long nights and challenging times with your new pēpi.
- Talk to your midwife about how you are feeling and coping. They will talk to you about support groups and networks in the community that can help you to adjust to parenthood.
- Try to find play groups and coffee groups in your area, so that you can meet other new parents.
- Locate and visit your local Plunket Family Centre.
- Take advantage of offers from friends or family to help with housework and cooking.
24-hour help
While you are in hospital, you can ask for help any time of the day or night. The midwives are there to help. Once you are at home, your visiting midwife will provide you with a list of phone numbers for round-the-clock help.
For free 24-hour advice within Aotearoa New Zealand you can call:
- PlunketLine on 0800 933 922
- Healthline on 0800 611 116
Your last midwife visit
At your final meeting with your lead maternity carer, they will talk to you about:
- your GP or healthcare provider as your 'go to' person if you have any problems
- keeping fit and active
- local community support groups available to you
- referral to other health professionals if necessary.
Your physical wellbeing
Tips and advice for your physical wellbeing while you are in hospital and once you have gone home.
In hospital
Sleeping can be difficult in a hospital setting. Take every opportunity to rest when you can. This normally means resting when your baby does. Visitors will always wait or come back later if you explain you need to rest.
At home
Once you are home from hospital, it is very important in the first few weeks to get as much rest and sleep as possible. You need to continue to sleep when your pēpi sleeps. Encourage visitors to come at the same time, rather than throughout the day.
In hospital
Meals are provided on the wards. While every effort is made to meet your individual needs, if you have special dietary requirements, it may be better to have a relative provide some of your meals and snacks.
At home
It is important to maintain your strength by getting enough to eat and drink. Your body is trying to heal and you have a pēpi to breastfeed and care for. Focus on good nutrition:
- at least 5 servings of fruit and vegetables
- calcium-rich foods
- lean protein
- carbohydrates, like bread, pasta, rice.
Ideally you will need breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as snacks in between. You also need 5 to 8 glasses of water per day.
Services like Bellyful may be able to help if you need meal support.
In hospital
Breastfeeding is fully supported on the wards. The health and emotional benefits of breastfeeding are significant for you and your pēpi, and the best preparation is information.
At home
Your midwife will continue to give you advice and support with your choice of feeding. If you are returning to work, you are entitled (by law) to a safe place in your workplace to breastfeed or express milk for your pēpi.
Depending on the type of birth you had, hospital midwives will encourage early mobilisation and movement. If you have had a caesarean section this means within the first 6 to 12 hours. Short walks followed by rest will help to prevent complications of bed rest, such as chest infections and the formation of blood clots.
Your midwife will discuss ongoing contraception choices with you and provide information, so that you and your partner know the pros and cons of each method.
There are several options you may wish to consider after birth.
If you have not had a smear test within the last 3 years, your midwife will encourage you to make an appointment to have a test approximately 3 months after the birth of your pēpi. Usually this will be done by your GP or primary care doctor.
Your mental wellbeing
Tips and advice for your mental wellbeing while you are in hospital and once you have gone home.
In hospital
You can expect to feel tired and exhausted — having a baby is hard work. Learn to get sleep whenever your baby is sleeping. Do not be afraid to ask for help from the hospital staff — they are there to help and support you.
At home
Ask family and friends to help you by providing food and letting you to sleep whenever baby sleeps. The family should take over all the household duties for the first few weeks so that you can focus on establishing breastfeeding and making a quick recovery.
It is very common to feel down and tearful after the birth of your baby, especially around day 3 or 4 ('the baby blues'). Try not to worry. Let yourself to cry and get as much rest as possible. These feelings are caused by normal hormonal changes and will pass.
If you continue to feel down, talk to your midwife or doctor. You can be referred for additional care should you need it. Also talk about how you are feeling with your family and friends. They know you best and can help you to get assistance.
For further information visit our postnatal depression page.
Postnatal depression (internal link)
Even when things are progressing normally, pregnancy and new parenthood can put stresses on you, your partner and your immediate family. Patience, understanding and a positive attitude are essential for your support crew. They should be listening to your needs and giving you time to adapt.
Physically, your sexuality may change during the antenatal and postnatal period, due to hormonal changes and the way you feel about your body. Partners can help to reduce issues affecting the relationship by being patient and understanding.
If you are being deliberately hurt by a member of your family, call Shine on 0508 744 633