

Information about Wairarapa Hospital in Masterton and other health services in the Wairarapa.

Wairarapa Hospital

Wairarapa Hospital provides a full range of secondary medical, surgical and obstetrics and gynaecology services.

It provides 24 hour acute/emergency services covering medical, surgical, obstetric, paediatric, assessment and rehabilitation for young and older adults, high dependency care and mental health.

Mental health and addictions helplines

If you, or someone you know, needs help now call:

Mental Health, Addiction and Intellectual Disability Service (MHAIDS) (external link)

Maternity services

Information for pregnant people living in the Wairarapa can be found on the Wairarapa Maternity website, and Pēpe Ora. 

Wairarapa Maternity website Pēpe Ora