Feedback — Auckland (North and West)

Use this form to provide feedback about your experience with a healthcare provider in North and West Auckland (Health NZ Waitematā).

We value your feedback

Your valuable feedback and suggestions help us provide the best possible care for our patients, whānau and communities.

If you give feedback on behalf of someone else, we will need their permission to respond to you.

How to give us feedback

Talk to staff providing your care

Talk with the staff caring for you or ask to speak with a manager in that area if you have a problem you want sorted straight away.

Contact our Quality team

You can contact our Quality team by:

  • phone on 09 486 8920 extension 43153
  • completing our online feedback form below
  • sending feedback by post.

Our postal address is:

  • Health NZ — Waitematā
  • Quality Team
  • Private Bag 93503
  • Takapuna
  • Auckland 0740

You can also enter your feedback into the complaints, suggestions and compliments box in the main foyer.

Where an investigation is required we aim to complete it within 14 calendar days.

Feedback form

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required fields.
If you are sending feedback for someone else, you must have their consent if they are over the age of 16 — unless you hold Power of Attorney.

Your details

Affected person's details

Feedback details