Infectious disease service — Auckland (North and West)

Infectious diseases is the specialised branch of medicine which deals with diagnosis, management and prevention of various infections and diseases.

Contact us

North Shore Hospital
09 486 8900
Waitakere Hospital
09 839 0000

Where to find us

North Shore Hospital
124 Shakespeare Road
Waitakere Hospital
55 Lincoln Road

Services we provide

The service helps with the care of patients in hospital with a wide range of infections such as:

  • meningitis
  • pneumonia
  • bone and joint infections
  • post-operative infections.

The service provides advice to healthcare providers and other healthcare professionals in the community.

Healthcare providers may refer patients to us for review if they have a conditions that do not require hospitalisation, such as:

  • viral hepatitis
  • recurrent boils
  • tuberculosis, except for infectious tuberculosis of the lungs
  • travel-associated infections.

Patients with HIV/AIDS who require inpatient or outpatient care are managed by the Infectious disease service at Auckland City Hospital.

Patients with infectious tuberculosis are managed by the Respiratory service at Auckland City Hospital.

Services are available 24/7.

Referral information

Your healthcare provider may refer you to our services if they think you need them.