Child community nurse service — Auckland (North and West)

Children's community nurses provide comprehensive home-based specialist nursing services to tamariki, from birth to adolescence.

Contact us

North Shore Hospital
09 442 7158
021 285 2178
8am to 4:30pm every day.
Waitakere Hospital
09 839 0593
021 784 245
8am to 4:30pm every day.

Where to find us

North Shore Hospital
124 Shakespeare Road
Waitakere Hospital
55 Lincoln Road

Services we provide

  • Offer help and support to whānau.
  • Facilitate and follow up hospital discharges.
  • Provide short and long-term follow up for tamariki.
  • Liaise with other health professionals to provide the most effective and efficient care available
  • Speech-language therapists and dietitians — through the Community child health service

Referral information

Referrals are accepted through e-referrals made by healthcare professionals, such as:

  • your main healthcare provider
  • hospital staff
  • paediatric outpatient clinics.

Referrals are triaged by the nursing team and actioned.