Dental services in Auckland

A range of dental care options are available in Auckland by Health NZ staff and dental practitioners.

Dental services for tamariki

To enrol your tamaiti to free dental care, or if you have any questions or concerns about their dental needs, contact us on 0800 TALK TEETH (0800 825 583).

Free dental care for tamariki

The Auckland regional dental service (ARDS) is funded to provide free general dental care from birth until the end of school Year 8 for eligible tamariki. Eligible tamariki from school year 9 are transferred to the adolescent services to continue free dental care until they turn 18.

Based on clinically assessed dental risk level, your child will be provided a recall of 6, 12 or 18 months.  Our dental and oral health therapists provide clinical oral healthcare for tamariki. If your tamaiti needs specific dental treatment that our therapists cannot provide, a referral to a contracting dentist for free treatment may be provided.  If sedation is required, there may be costs associated with this. 

Due to the high demand for our services, dental appointments outside a recall will only be provided based on the dental needs of the tamiti as assessed by one of our therapists.  ARDS is not able to offer appointments for routine cleaning and scaling or orthodontic-related extractions.

Auckland Regional Dental Service — Healthpoint (external link)

Urgent after hours dental care

For urgent after hours dental care contact your nearest dentist and ask if they are contracted to offer free emergency after hours care for tamariki.

Alternatively, medical care for urgent dental care can be accessed through your healthcare provider or an emergency medical practice. Free 24-hour advice on what to do in a dental emergency is available through Healthline on 0800 611 116

Dental services for adults

You have to pay privately for most adult dental services. It is important to remember that there is no fixed fee or recommended fee structure for private dentists. Dental practices set their fees based on:

  • the location of the practice
  • whether it is a specialist or general dental practice
  • whether there are advanced equipment or techniques used to provide treatment.

If cost affects whether or not you can see a dentist, we recommend you talk to different dentists. Ask about the fees for the treatment you require.

Dental services funded for adults

A limited range of dental services are funded for some adults.

  • Disabled people or people with medical conditions such as mouth cancer may be referred to a hospital for their dental treatment by their usual dental practitioner or healthcare provider.
  • People on low incomes who have a Community Services Card may be able to get emergency dental care, such as pain relief or extractions through their local Te Whatu Ora district.

These services are provided by public hospitals or dentists contracted by Te Whatu Ora. You may still need to pay some of the treatment cost.

Some people on low incomes may be eligible for a Special Needs Grant for immediate and essential dental care from Work and Income.

Special Needs Grant — Work and Income (external link)