Orthotics — Auckland (North and West)

Orthotics is the branch of medicine that deals with the provision and use of splints and braces for the entire body, covering paediatric to geriatric needs.

Contact us

Where to find us

North Shore Hospital
124 Shakespeare Road
Waitakere Hospital
55 Lincoln Road

Services we provide

The orthotics service can be accessed by people of all ages.

We help people affected by congenital, development or acquired conditions of the nervous, musculoskeletal and neurological systems, and people who have medical conditions. These conditions can mean the joints or muscles need to be supported or immobilised.

Our service provides:

  • assessments for an orthotic
  • orthotic production
  • orthotic fitting
  • review, repair and maintenance of orthoses and footwear
  • education for service users and their carers in using their orthotic.

Referral information

Referrals are accepted by your healthcare provider or other professional involved in your care.

A person with permanent disability might still need to be referred to personal health orthotics if the orthotic need is not related to their functional impairment caused by their permanent disability. For example, someone with lower-limb paraplegia who needs a short-term orthosis for their unaffected shoulder.