After hours and urgent medical centres (A&E)
If you cannot wait to see your usual doctor, nurse or healthcare provider, or you do not have one, go to an after hours or urgent care medical centre. They can help you with things like bad cuts, sprains or breaks, minor head injuries, or if you are feeling really sick. You do not need an appointment but might have to wait.
Contact information
For all National Women's Health service enquiries:
- phone: 09 367 0000
- email:
For labour and birthing suite enquiries:
- phone: 09 307 2888
Find the labour and birthing suite at Level 9, Auckland City Hospital (open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week).
For general appointments:
- phone: 09 638 0400
- email:
We receive a high volume of calls in the early morning — call outside of this time if you are able to.
For information about someone who has been admitted to hospital:
- phone 09 375 4300
We can only give out information about the ward a patient is in and their general condition.
You can request a copy of your patient record or the record of a dependant or whānau member from the clinical records service.
Requesting patient records — Health New Zealand | Te Toka Tumai Auckland (external link)
Your safety is a top priority. We have rigorous measures in place to ensure this — from infection control practices to falls prevention, emergency planning and security services.
Your safety — Health New Zealand | Te Toka Tumai Auckland (external link)
Media enquiries, or requests for filming and photography
Media enquiries — Health New Zealand | Te Toka Tumai Auckland (external link)
Making an OIA request
OIA requests — Health New Zealand | Te Toka Tumai Auckland (external link)
Visiting hours
Visiting hours are 11am to 1pm and 3pm to 8pm, 7 days a week — but some areas of the hospital may have different times.
For more information:
- phone 09 375 4300
How to get to the hospitals
Women's health services are provided across several locations. These include levels 9 and 10 of Auckland City Hospital, and Greenlane Clinical Centre.
Auckland City Hospital
2 Park Road
Auckland 1010
Getting to Auckland City Hospital — Health New Zealand | Te Toka Tumai Auckland (external link)
Labour and birthing suite
If you are in labour go to the labour and birthing suite on level 9 of Auckland City Hospital. There is drop-off parking at the main entrance to the hospital off Park Road.
Greenlane Clinical Centre
214 Green Lane West
Auckland 1051
Getting to Greenlane Clinical Centre — Health New Zealand | Te Toka Tumai Auckland (external link)
Parking information
Limited paid car parking is available at both Auckland City Hospital and Greenlane Clinical Centre.
Auckland City Hospital
A sign at the Park Road entrance tells you if parking is available in either carparks A or B. Carpark B is the closest carpark to Starship Children's Hospital.
Mobility parks are available in carparks A and B.
There are 2 electric vehicle charging stations the ground level of carpark A.
Labour and birthing suite
There is drop-off parking at the main hospital entrance off Park Road. Your driver can leave the car for a short time to escort you. Leave a note on the car dashboard with the driver's name and phone number and let a security guard know the car will be moved shortly. When you have arrived at the labour and birthing suite, your driver can move the car to a visitor carpark building.
Greenlane Clinical Centre
You can access all carparks 7 days a week from Gate 1 off Green Lane Road.
Carparks can also be accessed from Claude Road on Monday to Friday only.
Services within our hospital locations include security, food and drink, shops, telephones and banking, wifi and more.
Auckland City Hospital
Accommodation for visitors — Health New Zealand | Te Toka Tumai Auckland (external link)
Greenlane Clinical Centre
Patient and visitor support
The hospital chaplaincy service is for all patients, their whānau and hospital staff.
Chaplains respect each person's beliefs, culture and privacy. The service is there for times of illness, distress, crisis and sorrow and also in times of joy and relief from pain and hope for the future.
Chaplains are available:
- from 8am to 4pm
- from 4pm to 8am an on-call service is provided.
Ward staff can contact the chaplains for inpatients at any time of the day or night:
- phone: 09 307 4949 (extension 25447)
Weekly Sunday services are held in the Sir John Logan Campbell Quiet Room on level 6 of Auckland City Hospital:
- Ecumenical at 10am
- Roman Catholic at 11:30am
- Māori at 1pm.
Juma Prayers are held at 1pm every Friday in the chapel (level 6).
The quiet room is always open for private use.
A 24-hour interpreter service is available for patients. Ward staff can book an interpreter.
Communication cards are also available from the ward staff to help people who may not speak English as a first language.
Contact the ward staff to request an NZSL interpreter.
Social workers can help you with family and personal problems. They can provide information, counselling and liaison services, and can advocate on your behalf.
Our staff can contact the social workers for you, or you can phone 09 367 0000 (extension 25967).
He Kāmaka Waiora
Our staff work alongside Māori patients, their whānau and the clinical teams to make sure there is good communication and that care is coordinated, both in hospital and after discharge.
The team can help with cultural and spiritual support and guidance.
- Phone 09 307 4949 (extension 29200), Monday to Friday, 8am to 9pm.
Tautai Fakataha
Tautai Fakataha is a cultural and social support service for Pacific inpatients at Auckland City Hospital. The team of family support workers offers social and cultural support to all Pacific patients and their families.
- Phone 09 630 9943
The kaiatawhai service makes sure the cultural and spiritual needs of Māori patients and their whānau are met. Kaiatawhai has teams based at Auckland City and Starship Children's hospitals. The service we provide is individualised according to your needs. Staff visit Māori patients to assess how they can best support them. The cultural assessment is based on the following aspects:
- te taha tinana (physical)
- te taha wairua (spiritual)
- te taha whanau (family)
- te taha hinengaro (mental and emotional).
The kaiatawhai service at Starship Children's Hospital is on level 2 next to the main entrance. We are available:
- Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm
- weekends, 11am to 8pm.
Women's health services
The women's assessment unit provides urgent care for pregnancy or gynaecology complications and is open 24 hours 7 days a week. You need to be referred to the unit by your midwife, doctor or healthcare provider.
Women's Assessment Unit (internal link)
Gynaecology services offer:
- general and specialty clinics
- day surgery
- inpatient services.
Gynaecology services (internal link)
Maternity services provides full maternity care for you and your pēpi during your pregnancy and after birth.
Maternity services (internal link)
The abortion service at Epsom Day Unit offers confidential counselling and termination for first and second trimester pregnancies if you live in the Auckland area. You can self-refer or ask your healthcare provider to refer you.
Abortion services (internal link)
The women's health physiotherapy team treats pregnant women and those with gynaecological issues, as inpatients and outpatients. You need a referral from your healthcare provider to access this service.
Physiotherapy services (internal link)
The contraception clinic offers free and confidential servicesfor women in Auckland, including:
- contraception counselling
- contraception options
- pregnancy testing
- sexually transmitted infection (STI) screening
- cervical screening.
Clinics are available at multiple locations.
Contraception clinic (internal link)
The women's health pain clinic sees women with persistent pelvic pain and pain during pregnancy.
Women's health pain clinic (internal link)
Fertility Plus offers both public and private fertility consultations and treatment.
Fertility Plus is at:
Greenlane Clinical Centre
Building 4, Level 5
214 Green Lane West
Auckland 1051
- phone: 09 630 9810
- email:
Fertility Plus (external link)
Aronui Ora provides mental health support for parents during pregnancy and up to 1 year after birth.
Maternal mental health (internal link)