Women's health pain clinic — Auckland

The women's health pain clinic at Health New Zealand | Te Toka Tumai Auckland helps women with persistent pelvic pain. We also help manage various pain conditions during pregnancy.

Where to find us

The women's health pain clinic is at:

Greenlane Clinical Centre
214 Green Lane West
Auckland 1023

Greenlane Clinical Centre - Getting here  (external link)

Services provided

Our team can help you manage your pain by using some or all of the following.

  • Appropriate pain medicines.
  • Women’s health physiotherapy.
  • Women’s health clinical psychology.
  • Gynaecology procedures.

For women with pain issues in pregnancy, we aim to provide effective relief in a way that is safest for your pēpi. This means choosing the safest medication and ensuring we use the smallest doses necessary.

Pain conditions in pregnancy include:

  • lower back pain
  • pelvic girdle pain
  • pubic symphysis dysfunction
  • sacroiliac joint pain
  • carpal tunnel syndrome.

Referral information

To have an appointment at the women's health pain clinic you must be referred by either your obstetrician or gynaecologist. If you are under the care of a midwife, they can refer you to an obstetrician who can refer you to our clinic.