Maternity services — Auckland
Maternity services for Health New Zealand | Te Toka Tumai Auckland offer pregnancy support, labour and birth facilities, specialist midwifery, teen parent assistance, maternal mental health, and care for you and your pēpi (baby) after birth. Our services are available at Greenlane Clinical Centre and Auckland City Hospital.
Pregnancy care
Begin your pregnancy care as soon as you find out you are pregnant. The healthier you are in pregnancy, the healthier your pēpi is likely to be.
At our Walk-in Centre, our midwives can give you free advice and information.
Walk-in centre (internal link)
Your LMC coordinates your care throughout pregnancy, birth, and for 6 weeks after your pēpi is born. In the Auckland area you can choose from:
Community midwives
Our community midwives provide care in your local area throughout your pregnancy and after birth. During labour and birth, you will be supported by core (hospital?) midwives in our Labour and Birthing Suite.
Phone: 09 623 6455
Freephone: 0800 4 BIRTH (0800 424 784)
Te Manawa o Hine Māori Midwifery Team: Ki te tiaki pai te wāhine , ka ora te whānau
A Māori-led service embracing Te Ao Māori principles.
Phone: 0800 866 446
Find the community midwives and Te Manawa o Hine Māori Midwifery Team
Maternity Outpatients
Level 6, Building 4
Greenlane Clinical Centre
214 Greenlane West
Gate 1
Find a midwife
You can also search for a midwife in your area.
Find your midwife — New Zealand College of Midwives (external link)
Maternity services — Healthpoint (external link)
Finding out you are pregnant when you are a rangatahi (teenager) can be daunting, especially if the pregnancy was not planned. There are a range of services to support you.
Walk-in centre
Our walk-in centre community midwives can help you understand the care we provide during your pregnancy and can help you find your LMC.
Walk-in Centre (internal link)
Continue studying
Find out about continuing your study at a teen parent unit.
Teen Parent Schools — Association of Teen Parent Educators New Zealand (external link)
Teen supported house
Teen supported house provides emergency housing for teenage mothers and babies.
Teen supported house — Taonga Education Centre Charitable Trust (external link)
Other support
Health and social support — E Tipu E Rea Whānau Services (external link)
Support for teen parents — kiwi families (external link)
Support if you are young and pregnant (internal link)
Our support service helps hāpu mothers and their whānau to stop smoking. You can improve your health, and the health of your pēpi.
While you are under our care:
- a Smokefree practitioner can meet with you to talk about your smoking.
- a plan is made together on how to become smokefree.
- we can offer reduced-cost Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT).
We can also refer you to community stop-smoking services for ongoing support once discharged.
Your LMC can refer you to the smokefree service
Contact details
To contact us about becoming smokefree:
- phone: 0800 667833 or (09) 307 4949 ext 27867
- email:
If we are unable to answer your call, leave a message and we will get back to you.
The Health New Zealand Health New Zealand | Te Toka Tumai Auckland diabetes in pregnancy clinic is at Auckland Hospital.
Diabetes in pregnancy clinic (internal link)
Our Positive Birth After Caesarean clinic (PBAC) helps women and their whānau to make informed decisions about childbirth, based on their previous birth history.
Positive Birth After Caesarean (PBAC) clinic (internal link)
Specialist pregnancy care
If you have a high risk or complex pregnancy, we can provide closer monitoring and specialist care.
The Day Assessment Unit (DAU) provides outpatient care for women with complex pregnancies who need closer monitoring.
Day Assessment Unit (internal link)
The women's assessment unit provides urgent care for pregnancy or gynaecology complications and is open 24 hours 7 days a week. You need to be referred to the unit by your midwife, doctor or healthcare provider.
Women's Assessment Unit (internal link)
If you need extra care during pregnancy because of medical conditions, past and present pregnancy complications or fetal abnormalities, we have a team of specialised midwives who can look after you.
You must be referred by your healthcare provider, for example your healthcare provider or your LMC.
Level 9, Auckland City Hospital.
Aronui Ora provides mental health support for parents during pregnancy and up to one year after birth.
Pregnancy complications and loss
Services to support you with pregnancy complications and loss.
The EPAU for Health New Zealand Health New Zealand | Te Toka Tumai Auckland is one of a range of services to help women who are dealing with pregnancy complications and loss.
Early pregnancy assessment unit (EPAU) (internal link)
The RPL clinic is based at Fertility Plus, Greenlane Clinical Centre.
We run tests and try to establish as quickly as possible if there is any underlying reason you and your partner are experiencing RPL.
Recurrent Pregnancy Loss clinic — Fertility Plus (external link)
We offer counselling and support following a pregnancy loss. We know this could be a difficult time for you and we are here to help.
You may wish to talk with someone about the emotions you are experiencing. It can be common to feel anger, pain, despair, numbness, sadness or a sense of unreality, at this time.
Other issues you may wish to explore could include:
- clarifying the legal requirements, for example registration of birth and death
- a funeral service or other special way to mark the life and death of your pēpi
- talking about the differences in grieving between men and women
- building memories of your pēpi
- strategies for coping
- how to talk to your other tamariki.
If we are unable to see you while you are in hospital, please ask a staff member to contact us on your behalf. You can also call us yourself when you get home:
- phone: 09) 307 4949 extension 25967
- mobile 021 893 912
Pregnancy loss — practical help and support (internal link)
Labour and birth
Choose where to give birth based on your preferences and medical needs.
Home birth
Ideal if you are seeking a natural birth experience with your chosen midwife.
Birthcare Auckland
Birthcare is the Auckland District Health Board's primary birthing unit for birthing and postnatal care. Birthcare is suitable if you want a natural birth and is designed for those who have no complications during pregnancy.
You can register online or ask your LMC for a form.
Welcome to Birthcare (external link) — Birthcare Auckland
Contact details and location
Birthcare Auckland
20 Titoki Street
Phone: 09 374 0800
Labour and birthing suite at Auckland City Hospital
The labour and birthing suite offers both midwifery-led and specialist obstetric care. We have specialists available to care for women with complex needs. These include women with high blood pressure, diabetes, multiple babies or who are birthing very early or late in the pregnancy.
We have 14 birthing rooms with ensuite bathrooms. Six of the rooms also have a pool to use during labour.
Contact details and location
The labour and birthing suite is at:
Level 9
Auckland City Hospital
- Phone: 09 307 2888
- Freephone: 0800 966 264 (option 1)
From the level 4 entrance off Park Road, head to lift bank A and push level 9. After you exit the lift, turn right to reach our Labour and Birthing suite.
If it is after 8pm the doors to the Labour and Birthing Suite will be locked. Use the intercom on the wall outside the suite to gain entry.
Preparing for your labour in hospital
Prepare for your labour by viewing our virtual tour of the suite and booking a free pain relief in labour talk.
Video tour of the labour and birthing suite
View our video virtual help you understand what to expect and what to do when you arrive at our hospital in labour.
Virtual tour of the labour and birthing suite— Te Toka Tumai Auckland Hospital (external link)
Free pain relief in labour talks in 2025
Come along with your partner or support person and find out all you need to know about pain relief options from an anaesthetist. Book early in your pregnancy. An ideal time to attend the talk is from 25 weeks onwards.
The talk covers:
- different types of pain relief for labour, including relaxation, TENS, entonox and morphine
- how an epidural works
- how an epidural is placed
- what to expect if you choose to have an epidural
- the real risks of an epidural
- who cannot have an epidural
- some myths about epidurals
- things to consider if you choose to have an epidural
- what other women say.
Dates for 2025
All talks start at 7.30pm
Date | Venue |
Monday 10 March | Auckland City Hospital |
Monday 24 March | Auckland City Hospital |
Monday 7 April | Zoom video |
Monday 28 April | Auckland City Hospital |
Monday 5 May | Zoom video |
Monday 19 May | Auckland City Hospital |
Monday 9 June | Auckland City Hospital |
Monday 23 June | Zoom video |
Monday 7 July | Auckland City Hospital |
Monday 21 July | Zoom video |
Monday 4 August | Auckland City Hospital |
Monday 18 August | Auckland City Hospital |
Monday 8 September | Zoom video |
Monday 22 September | Auckland City Hospital |
Monday 6 October | Auckland City Hospital |
Monday 20 October | Zoom video |
Monday 3 November | Auckland City Hospital |
Monday 17 November | Auckland City Hospital |
Monday 1 December | Zoom video |
Monday 15 December | Auckland City Hospital |
To book your place, call 09 307 4949 extension 23781 during office hours.
Care after birth
After the birth, you and your pēpi will be cared for at 1 of 2 places — Birthcare or Auckland City Hospital.
Birthcare Auckland
If you have had a normal birth at Auckland City Hospital and are in good health, you will be transferred to Birthcare a few hours after giving birth. If you have had a caesarean section at Auckland City Hospital and are recovering well after 24 hours, you will be transferred to Birthcare for the rest of your postnatal care.
Welcome to Birthcare (external link) — Birthcare
Auckland City Hospital postnatal wards
If you need more complex care following birth, you will stay in 1 of our postnatal wards at Auckland City Hospital. This includes Wards 96, 98, and Tāmaki Ward.
The length of your stay will vary according to your individual needs.
Auckland City Hospital
Greenlane Clinical Centre
214 Greenlane West, Gate 1
Contraception after birth
Some contraception methods can be given to you after birth and before you leave hospital.
Types of contraception (internal link)
After you leave hospital, phone 0800 527 200 to make an appointment at one of our free clinics.
Extra care for baby
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Babies born prematurely (before 37 weeks of pregnancy), or who need more specialised care, are cared for by our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) at Auckland City Hospital.
Parent-Infant Nursery (PIN)
The parent-infant nursery is part of NICU and prepares parents and babies to be ready for the move home.
Contact details and location
Phone: (09) 367 0000 ext 24920
Level 9, Auckland City Hospital