Pain management service — Auckland (North and West)
The Pain management service is a multidisciplinary team that helps patients manage their pain better.
Contact us
Call the Pain management service on 09 486 8972
Where to find us
- North Shore Hospital
- 124 Shakespeare Road
- Takapuna
- Auckland
Services we provide
Pain management is about improving quality of life. It often involves learning different ways of thinking and acting so that pain interferes less with life.
A self-management approach usually requires an individual and their whānau to play an active role in their pain management. This approach emphasises an improvement in both quality of life and overall function, rather than a cure. We work in close conjunction with your healthcare provider and other hospital specialists. We are realistic in planning sensible and achievable goals. We do not take over patient management but act to support your healthcare provider.
For most of our patients pain has been present for a long time — the average duration of pain before referral is 7 years. Improving people's quality of life after such a long period of time also takes time and is not an overnight process. Individuals who seek a quick fix, or are searching for specific physical interventions, will tend to be less successful than those who are prepared to look at all modes of management, including psychology and activity programmes, and to work towards realistic goals which may take months and years rather than days and weeks to achieve. We believe working towards a realistic and sustainable improvement in quality of life is worth doing and has the potential to transform people's lives.
Referral information
Your healthcare provider will refer you to our service if they think you need it.