Needs Assessment Service Coordination — Auckland (North and West)

Need Assessment Service Coordination (NASC) is an assessment and service coordination agency that assists people with a disability, and their whānau, to maintain independence in their home and community or a residential setting.

Contact us

Contact the NASC on 09 442 7171

Where to find us

North Shore Hospital
124 Shakespeare Road
Waitakere Hospital
55 Lincoln Road
Hibiscus Coast Community Health Centre
136 Whangaparaoa Road
Red Beach

Services we provide

NASC helps older adults and their caregivers access support services in the community to help them stay at home as safely and independently as possible.

NASC helps younger adults who require support services following illness or hospitalisation, have a chronic health condition or as part of a palliative care package.

We work with patients and their whānau to assess and plan their support needs. NASC then coordinates support services for as long as they are applicable. Some of the support services that may be available are:

  • help with personal care such as showering, dressing, meal preparation, medication
  • transfers and mobility
  • Meals on Wheels
  • aged-residential care
  • respite services including respite at home, day stay, residential respite
  • carer support.

NASC can also advise on services which are income or asset tested and have an entry criteria.

Referral information

Support services are available through NASC if you are:

  • over 65 years of age and have a disability or health related need
  • 16 to 64 years of age and have support needs resulting from an acute illness or you require palliative care
  • 16 to 64 years of age and have support needs due to a chronic health condition.

We accept self-referrals as well as referrals from

  • whānau
  • your healthcare provider
  • other healthcare professionals involved in your care.