Maternity care at Wairoa Health

The Wairoa maternity unit is a rural birthing and postnatal facility at Wairoa Health.

Contact us

Phone: 06 838 7099 ask for maternity.


Where to find us

The Wairoa Hospital Maternity unit is located on level 1 at:

  • 36 Kitchener Street
  • Wairoa

Turn left when you exit the elevator.

Services we provide

The Wairoa maternity team has 4 midwives providing care to women in Wairoa and the wider district. Services they offer include:

  • pregnancy, birth and postnatal care
  • breastfeeding advice
  • immunisation advice
  • contraception advice.

If you need to see a specialist during your pregnancy

Your midwife will ask you to see a doctor if they are worried for your health, or the health of your pēpi. A clinic is held at Wairoa Health once a month, or you may have to go to the Te Kākano clinic in Hastings.

It is important that you keep these appointments to ensure that everything is going ok for you and your baby. The doctor will work with you, your whānau and your midwife.

Where to have your pēpi

You have a choice of where to have your pēpi. This could be at:

  • home, if there are no concerns for you or your pēpi
  • Wairoa maternity unit, if there are no concerns for you or your pēpi
  • Hawke's Bay Hospital — recommended if you or your pēpi have health concerns.

If you live in Wairoa and have your pēpi at Hawke's Bay Hospital, you may be discharged back to Wairoa maternity unit for your postnatal care once you can travel or you may go straight home. A midwife will visit you at home.

Talk to your midwife to decide where is best to have your pēpi.