Mental health and addiction services in Hawke's Bay

Mental health and addiction help is available throughout Hawke’s Bay with a range of both inpatient and community services. Support is also available to whānau.

Urgent mental health and addiction care

If you or someone else is at risk of injury call 111.

For advice in emergencies contact Emergency mental health services on 0800 112 334

Community mental health and addiction services

Community Mental Health South is an adult (18 to 64) mental health and addiction team, providing assessment and treatment services. They are based in Hastings and Waipukurau and provide a range of services including:

  • adult mental health and addiction team — an integrated multidisciplinary team providing assessment and treatment services at homes and also in a clinic setting
  • maternal mental health — a multi-disciplinary team to support mothers and pregnant women who have mental health issues through the perinatal period
  • home-based treatment — supporting people to remain at home when experiencing an acute episode of mental illness that would otherwise require hospital admission
  • opioid substitution treatment service — a specialist service focused on reducing the harm of opioid dependence.

Contact us

The team is available between 8am and 5pm Monday to Friday. If you are in:

For all after hours emergencies call 0800 112 334

Where to find us


  • 398 Omahu Road
  • Camberley
  • Hastings


  • 1 Kitchener Street
  • Waipukurau

Napier Community Mental Health and Addictions Service supports individuals aged 18 to 65 who are most severely affected by mental illness and addiction.

Our comprehensive services include:

  • assessment
  • diagnosis
  • consultation
  • rehabilitation
  • treatment.

We aim to help people recover and maintain wellness from mental illness and addiction.

Following an initial assessment, we will suggest specific treatment and support options tailored your needs. We will develop recovery plans that set discharge goals and support strategies with you and your whānau. These plans will address signs of relapse, wellness, and overall wellbeing and will be regularly updated. 

We provide up-to-date, evidence-based information to you and your whānau. You need to give your consent to treatment.

Our team is made up of:

  • psychiatrists
  • psychologists
  • nurses
  • social workers
  • occupational therapists
  • addiction clinicians
  • support workers.

We also offer cultural support through Kaitakawaenga and Pou Whirinaki Māori.

Each Service User is assigned a primary key worker, who is typically a nurse, social worker, occupational therapist, or addiction clinician. 

Contact us

Contact the team between 8:30am and 4:30pm Monday to Friday on 06 878 8109

For urgent after hours support call 0800 112 334

Where to find us

The team is located at:

  • 76 Wellesley Street
  • Napier

Springhill is a residential addiction treatment centre that provides 12 beds for the rehabilitation for those who are experiencing moderate to severe addictions and associated mental health disorders. The centre is part of the continuum of care provided by Health NZ | Te Whatu Ora — Te Matau a Māui Hawke's Bay.

Springhill offers an 8-week treatment programme with a multi-disciplinary team providing intensive group work, whānau meetings and individual support to assist people's journey through recovery.

As a resident you will be actively encouraged to participate in group therapy which will guide you towards new insights, social connections and recovery.

You will be in a safe and structured environment living with others, accepting responsibilities and practising a healthy lifestyle. You will also attend local alcoholic or narcotic anonymous groups off-site to enhance your recovery experience.

Referrals to the centre must be made by your local addiction service.

Contact us

Where to find us

  • 42 Morris Street
  • Napier

Wai-o-Rua is a 5 bed residential short stay programme for people, referred by Health NZ for respite (supported time out to rest and re-focus).

The Older person's mental health team is a specialist, community based, multi-disciplinary team based at Hawke's Bay Fallen Soldiers Memorial Hospital.

The team is committed to He Mana to Tiriti o Waitangi, Expressing the Treaty of Waitangi in mana terms. This is expressed in:

  • he mana whakahaere — recognising that our whānau have rights and governance over their care
  • he mana motuhake — whānau wishes are embedded in how we care for them
  • mana tangata — equality of opportunity for all to gain better access to the best care and services for whānau
  • mana māori — cultural competency of staff help to build closer mutual relationships with whānau.

Our aspirations are to see whānau in their homes, soon after referrals are received.  The treatment is provided in the community and the goal of our mahi is to improve the person's situation and return care back to their general practitioner or other primary health care provider)as soon as possible. A small number of people may need long-term management by the team.

There are no dedicated mental health inpatient beds for people over the age of 65 in Hawke's Bay. If an older person needs acute inpatient treatment for mental illness, admission needs to be negotiated with the Consultant and Charge nurse of the Assessment, treatment and rehabilitation (geriatric) ward or Ngā Rau Rākau Mental health inpatient ward.

Who may be referred to the team

  • People over the age of 65, who have developed a mental illness after the age of 65, and need specialist mental health assessment and treatment.
  • People aged 65 yrs and over with severe and enduring mental illnesses, last seen by Adult Mental Health Services two years previously or longer.
  • People with diagnosed dementia, complicated by severe behavioural or psychiatric symptoms.
  • It is acknowledged that there are circumstances when people under the age of 65 should be managed by the Older person's mental health service. The team will consider such requests individually.

People that do not meet any of these criteria should contact one of our other mental health and addiction services.

Referral information

It is preferred that referrals come from the patient's main healthcare provider or other health professional because many older people presenting with mental illness have serious comorbid medical conditions which need to be taken into consideration.

After a referral is made:

  • the referred person will be seen by the Older person's mental health team's triage clinician within 24 hours, or 48 hours if the referral is received on weekend
  • triage clinician reviews the referral and obtains more information if required. The referral is redirected if not for Older person's mental health team
  • initial assessment arranged within 72 hours of allocation, and treatment initiated by either keyworker or doctor
  • following the initial assessment the person is discussed at the weekly multi-disciplinary team meeting to decide upon a plan as to what happens next.

Contact us

Mental health services for women and tamariki

The Maternal mental health team support's mothers and pregnan

Te Ara Manapou — Addictions

We are a multidisciplinary team made up social workers, nurses, peer support, alongside a part time psychologist and psychiatrist. We understand how difficult it may be for Whaiora to ask for help if you are pregnant or a parent using drugs and alcohol.

Our aim is to improve outcomes for unborn pēpi and tamariki under the age of 3 and we do this by working with pregnant women and parents with issues around alcohol and drugs in a non-judgemental way.

  • Co-ordinate services to work together so needs are best met.
  • Work to reduce judgement and stigma you might experience from other services.
  • Help pregnant women and families access antenatal care, parenting support, community and health services.
  • Help to reach recovery and parenting goals to improve outcomes for tamariki.
  • Provide education on the effects of alcohol and other drug use during pregnancy and in relation to parenting.

Referral information

Hapu mamas and their partners and parents with a pēpi under the age of 3 who are struggling with addiction and poorly engaged with other services.

Te Ara Manapou referral form [DOC, 70 KB]

Contact us

Contact the team on:

For after hours emergencies call 0800 112 334

Child, Adolescent and Family Service | Ngā Harakeke mai Rongokako (CAFS) offer a full service for Napier whānau working out of Napier Health Centre. This is not an acute or walk in service, all service is through referral and appointments.

If you are having difficulties with your mental health or an addiction issue and are aged 19 years or under, then you and your whānau can be referred to CAFS.

CAFS will work with you and your whānau to find out what is causing your problem.

Among your helpers will be:

  • psychiatrists
  • nurses
  • family therapists
  • psychologists
  • social workers
  • counsellors
  • occupational therapists
  • a dietitian.

A Pou Ārahi (cultural strategist and mediator) is also available if you want further support.

Referral information

Referrals can be accepted from any source, including self-referrals and referrals from whānau.

Contact us

Call CAFS on 06 878 8109 extension 5848.

Where to find us

The CAFS main base is at:

  • 208 Avenue Road East
  • Hastings

There are also clinicians working from Napier Health, Wairoa Health and Central Hawke's Bay Health Centre in Waipukurau.

Inpatient mental health services

Ngā Rau Rākau is a 23 bed psychiatric inpatient hospital that provides support and care for adults affected by acute mental illness or addiction disorders with both day programmes and inpatient hospital care.

The hospital is made up of 3 wings :

  • Kahikatea — 6 to 8 beds
  • Kowhai — 10 to 14 beds
  • Pukatea — 3 to 5 beds for those who need a secure environment while they are unwell.

Ngā Rau Rākau Information for Tāngata Whai Ora and their whānau [PDF, 965 KB]

Visting hours

Visitors are welcome between 1pm and 8pm.

We have a whānau room which can be used as a meeting space. Talk to reception staff if you want to use it.

If the main doors are closed contact reception using the intercom to the right of the main entrance.

Visitor parking

There are parking spaces reserved for Ngā Rau Rākau visitors at the back of the building, on the left hand side.

If your whānau member is staying in Ngā Rau Rākau for more than 21 days, you can get 1 free parking permit to use while they are in hospital. Ask at reception for more information.

Visitor bags

Visitors to Pukatea wing need to put their belongings in lockers when they are on the ward. A staff member will help you find the lockers.

About Ngā Rau Rākau

Ngā Rau Rākau was built in 2016 to provide support and care for adults affected by acute mental illness or addiction disorders with both day programmes and inpatient hospital care.

The name Ngā Rau Rākau means 'a collection of trees'. By standing together, as part of the forest, Ngā Rau Rākau, the trees are protected, they are sheltered, they grow healthier, they grow stronger, they are supported and safe.

Mental health and addiction resources

Your mental health matters. There are a range of resources and services available to help, including phone numbers, online services and information, and face to face support.

Where to get help for mental health (internal link)