engAGE Community Allied Health

engAGE Community Allied Services supports older people with long term health conditions and disabilities so they can remain independent in their home, achieve their wellbeing goals and avoid hospital admissions.

Contact us

Contact the engAGE team on 06 878 8109 and dial extension:

  • 2390 for the manager
  • 2872 for the Napier team leader
  • 2399 for the Hastings team leader

Services we provide

The engAGE service works with older people, their whānau and other healthcare professionals to offer a service tailored to the person's needs. The aim is to help the older person remain living safely and well in their own home and reduce the risk of hospital admission by addressing urgent needs.

People are seen in their own homes or a clinic environment.

The team is made up of people from multiple health disciplines.

Occupational therapists — help optimise your ability to complete everyday tasks.

Occupational therapy (internal link)

Physiotherapists — help you get back movement and function when affected by injuries, ageing, disabilities and disease.

Physiotherapy (internal link)

Social workers — help enhance social and emotional functioning.

Social work (internal link)

Speech-language therapists — help you manage communication and swallowing problems.

Speech-language therapy (internal link)

Dietitians — use scientific knowledge about food and nutrition to promote the best health outcomes.

Intermediate care beds

engAGE offers an intermediate care bed service for frail older people who are not well enough to be at home but do not require hospital care. This includes a temporary stay at an aged-residential care facility. Medical care is provided by your main healthcare provider and a geriatrician.

Barriers to discharge are identified and managed, and home-based supports are put into place. The team will provide you with continued support at home after you are discharged.

Your main healthcare provider or acute Hospital staff can refer you to this service. Referrals are made to Clinical Nurse Specialists — Gerontology.

Referral information

Healthcare professionals can refer you to engAGE by email to engagereferrals@hbdhb.govt.nz

Referrals are triaged and seen based on clinical need and urgency.