
Psychologists can help you improve your general mental wellbeing. They also help with anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or complex mental health conditions such as psychosis, and during serious illnesses or rehabilitation. Psychologists work in specific areas of psychology — as clinical psychologists, educational psychologists, counselling psychologists, neuropsychologists and general psychologists.

What psychologists do

Psychologists help people, whānau, organisations and communities to improve their wellbeing.

Psychologists can help with:

  • managing everyday problems and distress
  • mental health and wellbeing
  • relationship and family counselling
  • learning and educational difficulties
  • sports performance
  • rehabilitation after illness or injury
  • organisational functioning
  • specialist assessments, including for dementia, concussion and ADHD.

Your psychologist will first talk with you to learn about your past and current challenges, how they came to be and what is getting in the way of change. This shared understanding helps shape the decisions about what needs to happen next.

Almost all conversations with your psychologist are confidential. Your psychologist should explain the situations where confidentiality may not apply.

Finding a psychologist

Your healthcare provider can refer you to a psychologist. You can also contact a psychologist yourself.

Find a psychologist:

Many psychologists also have their own websites you can find using a search engine.

Psychologists must be registered under the Health Practitioners Competency Assurance Act (2003). Your psychologist should:

Cost of seeing a psychologist

If you see a psychologist in the public healthcare system, there is no cost. It is often easier to see a psychologist privately, but there is a fee. This varies depending on the psychologist and their specialty. Contact the psychologist directly for fee information.

If you have experienced mental injuries resulting from physical injury or assault, or from sexual violence, you can refer yourself to ACC. ACC covers the costs of treatment for covered injuries.

Findsupport — ACC (external link)

Mental injuries we cover — ACC (external link)