Mothercraft — Waikato

Mothercraft provides a 5-day support programme for parents and caregivers who are experiencing difficulties with their pēpi.

Contact us

To contact Mothercraft:

Where to find us

Mothercraft is located at:

Waterford Birth Centre, lower level
27 Tisdall Terrace
Hamilton 3204
27 Tisdall Terrace, Hamilton — Google Maps (external link)

Parking information

There are 2 car parks available.

Services we provide

Mothercraft provides a 5-day programme of 24-hour support for parents and their pēpi who may be experiencing issues such as:

  • feeding difficulties
  • reflux
  • unsettled or irritable pēpi
  • infant colic
  • poor weight gain
  • sleep issues.

We cater for infants from birth up to approximately 1 year of age.

Our nurses work closely alongside the caregiver and whānau to develop a plan of care to meet individual needs. 

Admission is with one primary parent or caregiver, however we are flexible with visiting hours and welcome whānau to be part of the education offered during your admission.

The service is also supported by:

  • paediatric medical staff
  • social workers
  • dietitians
  • perinatal maternal mental health
  • home care nurses
  • lactation consultants depending on availability.

What to expect when you come to Mothercraft

Once we have received your referral, we will triage your referral and offer you and your pēpi a bed as soon as possible. We will then contact you to arrange a week that is suitable for you. Admission is on Monday morning and discharge is on Friday morning.

Once admitted your nurse will assess your pēpi's history and discuss with you what your goals for admission are to develop a plan of care with you. Often the first 24 hours is an assessment period of what is happening for you and your pēpi, the nurses will discuss with you any changes required for the plan of care.

Facilities and amenities

During your stay you will have your own room with a single bed and a cot or basinet. Breakfast is provided.

There is a shared bathroom, lounge, dining area and kitchen facilities. There is no laundry facility, so please ensure you pack adequate supplies.

Mothercraft also provides:

  • a breast pump in case you need to express
  • containers to store breast milk and have a separate fridge for storing breast milk
  • support for nasogastric tube or gastrostomy feeding. We do have supplies if you require but ask that you bring your own equipment such as syringes, feeding set and feeding pump if using one
  • sterilising equipment such as microwave sterilisers and storage containers required for any feeding equipment.
  • baby equipment such as prams, buggy, baby bath and toys
  • linen, including bedding for the basinet or cot. We practice in accordance with safe sleep principals for your pēpi.

What to bring

  • If you are bottle feeding please bring bottles, bottle brush, formula or frozen or fresh breast milk.
  • Nappies.
  • Baby wipes.
  • Toiletries including baby products if using any.
  • Your own pillow if you prefer.
  • Breastfeeding pillow if using one.
  • Prescribed medication for you and your pēpi.
  • Well child book.
  • Snacks or any other food you wish to consume during your stay.

Referral information

Referrals are accepted from healthcare providers such as your:

  • doctor
  • paediatrician
  • Plunket or Tamariki Ora nurse
  • midwife
  • maternal mental health
  • support agency involved in your care.