Patient blood management — Waikato

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Services we provide

Patient blood management is an evidence-based multidisciplinary team. We aim to improve patient outcomes by improving the patient's medical and surgical management in ways that boost and conserve their own blood.

With better management, people usually require fewer transfusions of donated blood components, thus avoiding transfusion-associated complications.

Patient blood management provide a number of services.

It is based at Waikato Hospital but provides services and advice across the Waikato region.

Pre-operative anaemia service

Anyone undergoing major surgery who is anaemic is referred to patient blood management for pre-op anaemia management in their surgical journey.

Immunoglobulin service

People requiring immunoglobulin therapy can be referred to patient blood management for assistance in receiving immunoglobulin therapy.

Education and support services

Patient blood management educates where and when necessary to improve the responsible use of blood products across Waikato.

Blood bank

This is in association with New Zealand Blood Service.

Team members include a clinical lead, nurse coordinator, clinical nurse specialist and 2 speciality clinical nurses working with a transfusion nurse specialist and a transfusion medicine specialist.