Shared goals of care — Waikato

Shared goals of care are when patients, whānau and clinicians explore patients' values, the care and treatment options available and agree the goal of care for the current admission if the patient deteriorates.

What shared goals of care are

During your admission to Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Waikato our health staff looking after you would like to talk with you and your whānau about the goals of care for your admission. This will help guide the care and treatment you want while you are in hospital.

No one knows you and your body like you do. But it's not just your physical health they would like to hear about — it's also your hopes, worries, values and plans for the future.

Sometimes when a person is in hospital, they get worse before they get better. Keeping you involved in your own care and decisions is a big part of getting you better sooner.

If something were to happen and you were not able to tell us what you would like, have you thought about what you and your whānau would want the main goal of your care to be?

  • Would you want them to try all treatments that could help get you back as close as possible to your former self?
  • Would you want them to get you well enough to go home to give you more time to be with your family and whānau?
  • Would you want to let your body decide its own natural pathway?

It is different for everyone, and there are times when what we want is just not possible, but we need to talk about it.

That is what shared goals of care are about.

Who will be talking to you

In most cases, with your permission, a doctor or senior nurse will talk with you. They will ask if you would like members of your whānau or a support person with you during the discussion.

What they will talk to you about

They will ask you about what is most important to you and your whānau.

This is a chance to talk about:

  • your understanding of your medical condition and anything else you would like to know about it
  • your priorities if your health did change
  • what worries you and what gives you strength
  • what abilities are so important to you that you could not imagine life without them
  • how much you would be willing to go through for more time.

Who you can include in the discussion

This is a discussion about you — your thoughts and decisions. You can include anyone you want, such as members of your whānau or your nurse. Or you may prefer to have the discussion on your own. You are free to choose who is involved.

Where the discussion will take place

Let the doctor or nurse caring for you know what is a comfortable and safe space to have the discussion, and they will try their best to provide this for you.

Who to contact if you have more questions

Talk with the doctor or nurse caring for you.

This is not a ‘forever’ decision.

This goal of care decision is for this hospital admission only. If you need to go back to hospital in the future, your doctor or nurse will talk to you again.

It is ok to change your mind.

Just let your doctor or nurse know and together you can all decide on a new plan.