Kauika Pūmau
Kauika Pūmau is the name of the main team which has 4 sub-teams under it. Kauika is used to refer to the pod of whales which have connections to the Kaitiaki (Guardians) that brought Takitimu Waka to Aotearoa. Metaphorically Kauika Pūmau would be Takitimu waka and the Kaitiaki are the sub teams that come under it.
On this page
Tuai Kōpu
Tuai Kōpu supports wāhine hapū and their whānau to achieve their hauora aspirations through the principle of mana motuhake. Tuai Kōpu connects wāhine to services such as:
- pregnancy help and support
- breastfeeding help and support
- stop smoking services
- healthy homes services
- Well Child Tamariki Ora providers.
Tuai Kōpu are available to speak with groups and workplaces to support greater awareness of maternal wellbeing for all. Contact Tuai Kōpu by:
- phone 0800 687 010
- email TuaiKopu@hbdhb.govt.nz
Mate Taihā
Mate Taihā support tāne Māori suffering with gout by providing support and education. In some cases we can help with healthcare provider and pharmacy visits for diagnosis and medication adjustment. Talk to our team for more information.
Mate Tāiha are available to speak with groups and workplaces to support greater awareness of managing gout and your wellness. Contact Mate Taihā by:
- phone 0800 687 010
- email gotgout@hbdhb.govt.nz
Te Tātari Whēkau
Te Tātari Whēkau is our outreach screening team support Māori whānau to access the free National Bowel Screening Programme. It is offered every 2 years to people aged 60 to 74 years who are eligible for publicly funded health care.
Te Tātari Whēkau are available to speak with groups and workplaces to share this life saving message with you all. Contact Te Tātari Whēkau by:
- phone 0800 687 010
- email admin.kauika@hbdhb.govt.nz
Te Wahakura Pēpi
Te Wahakura Pēpi offers education and support to new parents and newborn pēpi to prevent sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI). We support the distribution of Wahakura and pēpi pods.
SUDI is a leading cause of preventable death in Aotearoa New Zealand pēpi. New Zealand has a particular challenge in that the greater proportion of deaths are in the Māori community.
Safe sleep for your baby — KidsHealth (external link)
Contact Te Wahakura Pēpi by email safe.sleep@hbdhb.govt