Pharmacy sore throat checks - rheumatic fever prevention service

Pharmacies in Hutt Valley who offer a sore throat check service.

Rheumatic fever

Rheumatic fever is a serious but potentially preventable illness that often starts with a sore throat. Without treatment, sore throats can cause rheumatic fever. Rheumatic fever can damage you heart — this is called rheumatic heart disease.

Rheumatic fever (internal link)

Who is most at risk

Māori or Pacific tamariki and rangatahi aged between 4 and 19 are most at risk of getting rheumatic fever, especially those with one or more of the following risk factors:

  • family history of rheumatic fever, rheumatic heart disease or both
  • frequency of exposure to a Group A Strep infection
  • poor housing quality and household crowding
  • experiencing barriers to accessing primary healthcare.

If you are at higher risk of rheumatic fever

If you are at higher risk of developing rheumatic fever, you must check a sore throat early and get treatment for strep throat with antibiotics. Without treatment, strep throat can cause rheumatic fever, which can damage your heart. 

If you are not at higher risk, rheumatic fever is extremely unlikely for you even if you have a sore throat, so you do not need a swab test.

If you feel very unwell, have a high fever, or just have questions, call:

  • your healthcare provider
  • Healthline, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 0800 611 116 

Free sore throat checks

Sore throat checks are available for eligible people at participating pharmacies. This is a swab test or assessment of the throat to see if the streptococcus bacteria is causing the sore throat (strep throat). 

A specially trained pharmacist will do the check. They can answer any questions you have at the time. In some cases, antibiotics are needed to treat the infection. If you need antibiotics after your throat check, the pharmacist will supply them to you. A full course of antibiotics is 10 days. It is important to take the full course of antibiotics.

There is no cost for the antibiotics. 

Pharmacies that offer sore throat checks

Pharmacies can provide sore throat checks to:

  • A personal, family, or household history of rheumatic fever, or two or more of the following:
    • Māori or Pacific ethnicity
    • Aged 3 to 35 years, especially children and adolescents aged 4 to 19 years
  • Living in crowded accommodation or a lower socio-economic area, living in high incidence areas in the North Island. 

Who presents with:

  • a sore throat; and
  • a fever of at least 38.0C 

Pharmacies will provide a free consultation and antibiotic treatment to those who are at high-risk of rheumatic fever. No appointment is required at a pharmacy clinic.


Phone number


Eastbourne Pharmacy (external link) 04 562 8057

Lower Hutt

Connolly Street Pharmacy (external link) 04 555 4500
Hutt City Pharmacy (external link) 04 566 6666
Len Hooper Pharmacy (external link) 04 567 7199
Life Pharmacy Queensgate (external link) 04 570 0473
Maungaraki Pharmacy (external link) 04 589 9371
Naenae Pharmacy (external link) 04 567 7277
Owles Unichem Pharmacy (external link) 04 567 7523
Taita Pharmacy (external link) 04 393 7793
Unichem Stokes Valley Pharmacy (external link) 04 939 8409
Waterloo Pharmacy (external link) 04 566 0133
Wellworks Boulcott Pharmacy (external link) 04 555 0070
Woburn Pharmacy (external link) 04 939 3479


Unichem Petone Pharmacy (external link) 04 568 5357

Upper Hutt

Lagan’s Pharmacy (external link) 04 528 2540
Queen Street Pharmacy (external link) 04 528 5858
Unichem Maidstone Pharmacy (external link) 04 528 4808
Unichem Upper Hutt Health Pharmacy (external link) 04 528 7440


Clive's Chemist (external link) 04 564 8618
Wainuiomata Pharmacy (external link) 04 564 8563