Mental health services for older people — Waikato

Specialist community inpatient and outpatient services for older people living with significant mental illness or cognitive decline.

Contact us

To contact the mental health service for older people department:

Where to find us

The mental health service for older people department is at:

Level B1
Older Persons and Rehabilitation Building
Waikato Hospital
214 Pembroke Street
Hamilton 3204

Services we provide

This inpatient, outpatient and community service is for people over the age of 65. We aim to conduct initial assessments in the person's place of residence.

The team consists of:

  • community mental health nurse
  • consulted registrar
  • social workers
  • psychologists
  • occupational therapists
  • a community support worker.

This service is for:

  • adults from the age of 65 with significant mental health problems
  • people who have a mental health history and have not had any contact with adult mental health service in Waikato within the last year
  • adults of any age with an established diagnosis of dementia, complicated by significant behavioural and psychological symptoms.

People with uncomplicated dementia with significant physical assessment requirements should be referred to the older persons and rehabilitation service.

People with acute confusional states (delirium) should be referred to general medicine or the older persons and rehabilitation service.

Crisis service

We aim to provide urgent response to people over 65.

Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm

For urgent response outside these hours, contact the crisis assessment and home based treatment team:

Referral information

Referrals are accepted from all sources — however we prefer the involvement of a healthcare provider.

Referral response time

  • Urgent referrals are responded to by phone or in person within 24 hours.
  • Semi-urgent referrals are responded to by phone or in person within 72 hours.
  • Non-urgent, routine referrals are responded to by phone or in person within 1 to 2 weeks.