Bartholin's gland - cysts and abscess
There are 2 Bartholin’s glands just below the opening of the vagina. The glands make small amounts of fluid. If a cyst forms in the Bartholin’s gland it can cause a lump that may be painless or may cause pain and discomfort in the skin around the vagina (the vulva). Sometimes the fluid gets infected, and the gland and duct fill up with pus. This is called a Bartholin's abscess.
Symptoms of Bartholin's gland cyst and abscess
Bartholin's cyst
If you have a Bartholin's cyst, you may notice a small, soft painless lump near the entrance to your vagina, or in the lips next to your vagina. This might not cause any problems, and you might not even notice it.
If it gets big, it can be uncomfortable and sometimes painful when you sit, stand or walk, or have sex.
Bartholin's abscess
If the cyst gets infected, the lump may get big over just a few hours, and the skin around it can get red. It can be tender or even very painful, and you might have a fever.
Causes of Bartholin's gland cyst and abscess
We do not know why the ducts between your Bartholin's glands and vagina get blocked, but it could be due to an infection or injury.
Sometimes it is linked to a sexually transmitted infection such as chlamydia or gonorrhoea, or another bacterial infection such as E.coli.
Diagnosing Bartholin's gland cyst and abscess
Small Bartholin's cysts are sometimes only found during a routine cervical screening test or an exam carried out for another reason.
Always see your healthcare provider if you develop a lump in the area around your vagina. They can confirm a diagnosis and rule out more serious conditions.
If the cyst seems infected, they might need to take a swab to check what bugs are causing the infection.
Treating Bartholin's gland cyst and abscess
Treatment depends on the size of the cyst, how painful it is and whether it is infected.
If the cyst is small and painless, it will probably go away by itself.
For a bigger cyst or abscess, you can try:
- taking pain relief
- antibiotics - these may be prescribed if you have an infection
- having warm water baths — soaking in a bath with a few centimetres of warm water in it, several times a day, may help a small, infected cyst to burst (rupture) and drain on its own.
If the cyst is big and these treatments do not work, a specialist (gynaecologist) may need to drain the fluid at the hospital.
Preventing a Bartholin's cyst
If you get a Bartholin's cyst, you will usually not get another one.
If your cyst is caused by a sexually transmitted infection, practising safer sex and using condoms may stop another cyst from forming.