Pokanga waihanga ū Breast reconstruction surgery

Breast reconstruction is an operation that restores shape to your breast after a mastectomy (breast removal). The aim is to match the remaining breast as closely as possible. This is done by creating a breast mound using an implant, your own tissues or a combination of both.

The breast reconstruction operation

Breast reconstruction is a major operation. Some people need more than one operation.

Breast reconstruction may be done:

  • at the same time as the mastectomy (immediate reconstruction)
  • some time after the mastectomy (delayed reconstruction).

You will need to discuss the timing of your reconstruction with your surgeon to work out what is best for you.

Types of breast reconstruction

There are different types of breast reconstruction. 


This is the simplest type of reconstruction. An implant is placed under your chest muscle.

An inflatable implant called an expander is sometimes used. This has an opening, or port, under the skin so a salt solution (saline) can be added using a needle and syringe. This makes the skin and muscles stretch gradually so the breast mound droop appears more natural.

Tissue flap and implant

You have a muscle in your back called the latissimus dorsi. It sits just below your shoulder blade. The operation uses a flap of this muscle, with its skin and own blood supply.

The surgeon moves the muscle flap under the skin below your armpit. They reposition it on your chest to create a breast mound.

Usually, you will need a silicone gel implant or tissue expander behind it to help match the size of your other breast.

Tissue flap with no implant

This type of surgery is complex, takes many hours and has a longer recovery time. But it can give the most natural looking breast.

Tissue is taken from your tummy and moved up to your chest to form a breast.

Nipple reconstruction

Some people choose to get a nipple reconstruction, and others prefer to use stick-on nipples. In some cases, part of your own nipple can be used. In other cases, the surgeon will make a new nipple from a flap or graft. Nipple tattoos are another option.

After breast reconstruction

Breast reconstruction will result in you having a breast mound that will best resemble your natural breast when you are dressed. But the reconstructed breast will be scarred, have no sensation and may not have a nipple. It may appear a different size and shape when you are undressed.

For 6 to 8 weeks after your surgery you will need to avoid:

  • driving
  • lifting
  • activities using your arms such as hanging out washing.

It can take several months before you can return to some activities such as sports.

Smokers who have breast reconstruction surgery do not heal as well.

Quitting smoking (internal link)