High risk of a measles outbreak

This year in Aotearoa New Zealand we have already had cases of measles.

Not enough people here are immunised against it, which means it could just take a single case of measles to start an outbreak.

We need at least 95% of people to be immunised to stop an outbreak. This also protects babies who are too young to be vaccinated, and severely immunocompromised people.

On average, 1 dose is 95% effective against measles, and 2 doses is more than 99% effective against measles.

The measles vaccine with Dr Hina Lutui

What the MMR vaccine protects you from

The MMR vaccine protects against 3 viral infections — measles, mumps and rubella.


Measles is one of the most dangerous and contagious diseases. If you are not vaccinated and come into contact with someone who has it, you are very likely to catch it and pass it on to others.

Measles can cause a rash, flu-like symptoms, or more serious problems like brain swelling, chest infections, or death.

If you are pregnant, measles can make you very sick and can harm your baby.

Find out more about the symptoms, spread and treatment.

Measles (internal link)


Mumps is an infectious illness caused by a virus. It leads to painful swelling in the salivary glands around the face.

In rare cases, there can be serious complications such as hearing loss, an infection of the membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord (meningitis, or inflammation of the brain (encephalitis).

Aotearoa New Zealand had an outbreak of mumps in 2017. This only settled and finally disappeared with the first COVID-19 lockdown because the disease was not able to spread easily.

Find out more about the symptoms, spread and treatment.

Mumps (internal link)


For children, rubella is usually a mild viral illness that causes a spotty rash. If you catch it when you are pregnant, however, it can cause serious birth defects in your baby such as deafness, heart defects, and brain damage.

Find out more about the symptoms, spread and treatment.

Rubella (internal link)

Health videos for ethnic communities

The Ministry for Ethnic Communities and Health New Zealand have developed a series of videos about measles, MMR vaccines, and misinformation. 

Measles, mumps and rubella videos — Ministry for Ethnic Communities (external link)

When to get the MMR vaccine

If there is a measles outbreak, or if you are travelling to a country with an active measles outbreak, pēpi between the ages of 6 and 11 months may be advised to have an additional free dose of the MMR vaccine early. Talk to your doctor, nurse, or healthcare provider about this.

It is very important your child still has their scheduled 2 doses at 12 and 15 months old.

The MMR vaccine is free and offered to tamariki at 12 months and 15 months.

If your child missed their MMR vaccine it is free for them to catch up.

If you are unable to confirm if they have already had 2 doses, they should get vaccinated anyway. There is no risk in having extra doses.

Many adults and rangatahi (young people) born between 1989 and 2004 in Aotearoa New Zealand were not vaccinated against measles.

Adults need to be up to date with MMR vaccinations to protect themselves and their community. For best protection, 2 doses are needed, a minimum of 4 weeks apart.

To check whether you have been vaccinated, contact your doctor, nurse, or healthcare provider.

If you are unable to find out if you have been vaccinated, it is recommended you get vaccinated as soon as possible. There is no additional risk in getting extra MMR doses it is important to know you have had 2 doses.

The MMR vaccine is free for:

  • everyone aged 18 years old and under (it does not matter what their visa or citizenship status is) and
  • those eligible for free healthcare in New Zealand.

Eligibility for publicly funded health and disability services — Health New Zealand (external link)

Most people who lived in New Zealand before 1969 do not require a measles vaccination. Measles was common at the time so you will have developed natural immunity through being exposed. However, if you are travelling overseas we recommend you talk to your healthcare provider as they might recommend a vaccine to make sure you are immune.

Anyone who has a severely weakened immune system cannot have the MMR vaccine for example, people having cancer treatment.

To protect them, it is very important all whānau around immunocompromised people are fully vaccinated against MMR.

If there are cases of measles in Aotearoa New Zealand, it is recommended that immunocompromised people take extra precautions to keep safe such as staying away from crowded places.

If there are measles cases at your child’s school, or early childhood centre, you will be advised on what to do to keep your child safe.

You cannot have the MMR vaccine when you are pregnant. If you are planning a baby, it is free to find out if you are immune to measles and rubella. If you are not immune to measles or rubella, it is free to get vaccinated if you are under 18 years of age or over 18 and and New Zealand resident.

After your baby is born, it may be recommended that you have a free measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) immunisation. You should do this as soon as you can.

Pregnancy and immunisations (internal link)

If you are travelling to countries that have measles in their community, it is really important you and your whānau are up to date with your MMR vaccinations.

You can check current outbreaks on the following website.

Global Measles Outbreaks Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (external link)

Find out if you need a measles vaccine

1. Are you answering these questions for yourself, another adult or a child?

How to protect tamariki from measles

Book an MMR vaccine

It is easy and free to get immunised against measles, mumps, and rubella.

For ages 13 and over

Vaccinations for individuals or groups aged 13 or over can be booked online or over the phone.

For under age 13

Contact your usual doctor, nurse, or healthcare provider to book an appointment for someone under 13.

People over 3 years old can get an MMR vaccine at lots of pharmacies. You can search for one near you on Healthpoint.

Pharmacies offering MMR vaccinations — Healthpoint

Some places offer group appointments for immunisations. Contact your doctor, nurse, healthcare provider, or pharmacy to see if your whānau can have a group appointment so you can all get vaccinated together.

More information on bookings and support services

Find more information on booking a vaccine, or how to get specific support for your needs. 

Which vaccine is used

The vaccine we use in New Zealand is Priorix. This vaccine which protects against measles, mumps, and rubella. 2 doses, at least a month apart, are needed for best protection.

It is not possible to separate these diseases out. For example, there is no ‘measles only’ vaccine available in New Zealand.

Priorix is a live vaccine. Live vaccines contain bacteria or viruses that have been weakened so that they cannot cause disease. This small amount of virus or bacteria stimulates an immune response.

The Priorix vaccine does not contain porcine (pork) products.

Priorix information – Medsafe (PDF 276KB) (external link)

Side effects and reactions

Like most medicines, vaccines can sometimes cause reactions. These are usually mild, and not everyone will get them.

Mild reactions are normal and shows that your immune system is responding to the vaccine.

If you are going to have any reactions, they normally happen in the first few days after getting vaccinated. The vaccine itself is gone from your body within a few hours or days.

The most common reaction to an immunisation includes:

  • a slight fever
  • pain or swelling where the needle went in.

Other reactions

Other common reactions of the MMR vaccine include:

  • mild rash — between 6 and 12 days after immunisation
  • high fever — over 39°C between 6 and 12 days after immunisation
  • swollen glands in the cheeks, neck, or under the jaw
  • temporary joint pain — 2 to 4 weeks after immunisation.

A very rare side effect is bruise-like spots that appear 15 days to 6 weeks after immunisation. This is mild, and usually goes away within 6 months.

Allergic reactions

Serious allergic reactions are extremely rare. Only about 1 in 1 million people will experience this.

Your vaccinator is well-trained and knows what to look for and can treat an allergic reaction quickly if it happens.

Serious allergic reactions normally happen within the first few minutes of vaccination, this is why you need to wait for up to 20 minutes after immunisation.

More information

Find more information about common side effects, what to look for and how to report side effects.

Vaccine side effects, reactions and safety (internal link)