Pokenga o ngā raho Testicular infection (epididymo-orchitis)

Epididymo-orchitis is an inflammation of your testicle and the tubes attached to the testicle, which are called the epididymis. It is usually caused by an infection.

Pain or swelling in your testicle

If you have pain or swelling in one of your testicles, see your healthcare provider. If the pain is sudden and severe, it may mean you have a twisted testicle, which needs to be looked at immediately.

Causes of an inflamed testicle

An inflamed testicle is usually caused by an infection. Often, it is caused by a sexually transmitted infection, but it can also be caused by a urine infection, or mumps (a viral infection).

Sexually transmitted infections (internal link)

Urine infections (internal link)

Mumps (internal link)

Symptoms of an inflamed testicle

Inflammation of your testicle causes pain and swelling, and it may be painful to wee (urinate).


Anatomic illustration showing the testicle and inflammation of the epididymis

The testicle showing an inflamed epididymis (epididymo-orchitis)


Diagnosing an infected testicle

The usual test for an inflamed testicle is a urine test to test for infection. You may also need a swab from the penis.

Treating an infected testicle

Epididymo-orchitis is usually treated with antibiotics. If you have a sexually transmitted infection, your sexual partner will also need to be treated.