Kia ora, hello,
I’m Ramil Adhikari, Principal Advisor, Equity, Outbreak Response Directorate, Te Whatu Ora, National Public Health Service.
We are starting to see more measles in New Zealand.
Measles is a very dangerous illness for anyone non immunised, especially babies, children under five, pregnant people and those with weak immune systems.
It spreads very easily through coughing, sneezing, and breathing near others.
You can even get measles if you visit a room where an infected person has been an hour before.
Measles can make people really sick, and many people will have to go to hospital due to complications, like pneumonia. Sometimes people die as a result of measles.
Measles symptoms usually begin with a high fever, cough, runny nose, and sore, red watery eyes. These are followed by a blotchy rash.
Getting immunised is the best protection against measles, for yourself and others. Two doses of MMR vaccine provide lifelong protection against measles in 99 out of 100 vaccinated people.
If you or anyone in your family or house has not had an MMR vaccine or aren't sure, ask a doctor or a local health provider.
The MMR vaccine is available from your doctor and is free for anyone 18 years or under, and those who are eligible for free healthcare in New Zealand.
You can also get the MMR vaccine at many pharmacies.
Please remember, if you have symptoms stay home and immediately contact your doctor or call Healthline for free on 0800 611 116.
Kia ora