Rāoa Choking
Choking happens when something — often food — becomes stuck in a person's windpipe, blocking it. This makes it difficult or impossible to breathe.
How to tell if someone is choking
Someone who is choking will have difficulty breathing and talking.
If their airway is partly blocked:
- their breathing may be noisy
- it may make them cough
- they may be very anxious and frightened.
If their airway is totally blocked:
- they will be unable to cough, breathe or speak
- they may be using hand signals to point to their throat
- their skin may be pale or turning blue
- they will be very distressed.
How to help someone who is choking
For a partial blockage
- Ask the person if they are choking.
- Tell them to cough to expel the item blocking their windpipe.
- Reassure them.
- If you can see what is causing the blockage, remove it using your thumb and 2 fingers.
- Do not put your fingers into their mouth unless you can see the object and grab it. If you cannot remove it safely you may end up pushing it further down.
- Stay with them until they have fully recovered.
Never use back blows on someone who can cough or breathe.
If coughing or removing the object does not work, try back blows
- Call 111 for an ambulance.
- If the person is conscious, give them up to 5 back blows between their shoulder blades using the heel of your hand.
- If a baby is choking, place them face down on your lap. Make sure their head is supported.
- Check between each blow to see if you have dislodged the object.
If back blows do not work, try chest thrusts
- Give an adult or child 5 separate chest thrusts.
- Give a baby chest thrusts using your fingers.
- Swap between back blows and chest thrusts until the object has come out or an ambulance has arrived.
If the person stops breathing, start CPR.
How to do chest thrusts
On an adult or child
- Stand behind the person.
- Wrap your arm around their chest.
- Make a fist with this hand, with your thumb on the outside.
- Place your fist with the thumb side against the middle of their breastbone.
- Grasp your fist with your other hand and give 5 separate, quick, sharp, inwards and upwards thrusts.
On a baby
- Lay the baby face up on your forearm or your lap.
- Support their head and jaw with your hand.
- Place your middle and index fingers at the centre of their chest bone (just below the nipple line).
- Give 5 separate, quick, sharp, inward and upwards thrusts.
Back blows and chest thrusts for choking in adults
Adult choking first aid
Give 5 back blows.
Follow with 5 chest thrusts.
Alternate between back blows and chest thrusts.
Call 111

Adult choking first aid
Give 5 chest thrusts.
Follow with 5 back blows.
Alternate between back blows and chest thrusts.
Call 111

Back blows and chest thrusts for choking in babies
Baby choking first aid
Give 5 back blows.
Follow with 5 chest thrusts.
Alternate between back blows and chest thrusts.
Call 111

Baby choking first aid
Give 5 chest thrusts.
Follow with 5 back blows.
Alternate between back blows and chest thrusts.
Call 111