Kōiwi tāwhatiwhati whakarauora Broken bones

When you have a broken bone (fracture) you might need some help and first aid to get you to a healthcare team who can diagnose and treat your fracture. It is important you know what has happened, what to expect and how to take care of yourself until the injury is well healed.

Emergency help for physical injuries

Call 111 immediately and ask for an ambulance if:

  • you think someone might have a broken neck or back or an injury to their head — unless they are in danger, do not move them, and try to keep their head, neck and spine from moving
  • the person is unconscious (appears to be sleeping and is unresponsive)
  • the person is bleeding heavily
  • a bone has pierced the person's skin.

Head injury first aid (internal link)

Bleeding — Hato Hone St John (external link)

How to tell if someone has broken a bone

If someone has broken a bone, they will have one or more of the following:

  • a snap sound heard at the time of the injury
  • pain
  • difficulty moving the affected limb or area — they may not be able to move it at all
  • inability to put weight through the limb
  • swelling
  • bruising
  • a visible bone that has broken through the skin
  • pins and needles
  • a grating noise or feeling when they move
  • a shorter or misshaped limb.

Helping someone who has a broken bone

  • Check the person is not losing any blood. If they have an open wound, control the bleeding by applying direct pressure. If the bone is exposed, apply the pressure around the bone, not on top of it.
  • If the wound is open, cover it with a sterile dressing, a clean cloth or a clean piece of clothing.
  • Try to make the person comfortable.
  • If they have a broken limb, make sure they keep it still.
  • Support the injured limb or area with a pillow or folded clothing. They may be able to support the limb themselves.
  • Apply an ice pack (or a bag of frozen peas) if available. Do not apply ice directly to their skin but wrap it in a damp cloth.
    Do not give them anything to eat or drink as they may need to have surgery.
  • Get medical help. If the person does not need an ambulance, drive them to your nearest after hours service or hospital emergency department. For an ambulance, call 111.

Accident and urgent medical care — Healthpoint (external link)

When you have had a fracture

Your fracture will be treated by the healthcare team at an emergency department or after hours clinic. You will need an x-ray to diagnose the type of fracture and which bones are involved. Sometimes other scans are needed as well.

All treatments for broken bones involve putting the pieces back into the right place and stopping them from moving until they have healed. Often a doctor or nurse will need to put broken bones back into position. This is called setting the bones or a fracture reduction.

It is important you know what has happened, what to expect and how to take care of yourself until the injury is well healed.

Information about bone and joint injuries in children is at KidsHealth.

Fractures in children — KidsHealth (external link)

What happened

  • You have broken (fractured) the outer bone (fibula) of your ankle — this is a common type of fracture.

What to expect

  • You will get a removable boot (moon boot) to support your ankle. You can take it off to shower and change clothes.
  • You may find it easier to use crutches as well as the moon boot to start with.
  • This injury usually heals within 6 weeks but pain and swelling may last 3 to 6 months.
  • You should be completely out of your 'moon boot' by 6 weeks.

What you can do

  • Take regular pain relief as needed, such as paracetamol.
  • You may find putting your ankle up on a chair or stool (elevating it) helps reduce the swelling — it is often worse at the end of the day.
  • You can walk on the ankle as much as you are able to.

What you should not do

  • Your healthcare provider will tell you which activities to avoid while your bone heals.
  • Try to reduce or stop smoking, as this may slow bone healing.

You will need a follow up

  • You will need a follow up appointment with your healthcare provider in 6 weeks. They will check for tenderness and may order a repeat x-ray if you have ongoing pain.
  • Once you are out of the moonboot (usually after the 6 week follow up appointment), you should be referred to a physiotherapist to help with rehabillitation.
  • If you do not get a physiotherapy referral, find a physiotherapist yourself — take your ACC form or number with you.

If you have concerns or questions

  • If your injury is not settling after 6 weeks or you are concerned about how it is healing, call your healthcare provider or physiotherapist first — take your ACC form or number with you.

What happened

  • You have broken the bone in your upper arm (the humerus).
  • This fracture often heals without surgery, although you may need some further management.

What you can expect

  • Your arm will be swollen and sore, and you will likely have bruising in your upper arm, which can go down to your forearm and fingers — this is normal.
  • Your arm will be put in a special cast or sling to help the bone ends heal in line.
  • A return to work or sport typically takes 8 to 12 weeks, depending how long it takes to completely heal and whether your work involves heavy lifting.

What you can do

  • Take regular pain relief as needed, such as paracetamol.
  • Keep your arm in the sling until the orthopaedic team says you can take it out.
  • Move your fingers and wrist as often as you can.
  • If your fracture is not displaced (the bone has not moved out of correct alignment) you will be told to start some gentle 'pendulum exercises' after about a week — stand, lean forward, relax your injured arm so it hangs down and make small movements with it (side to side, forwards and back, and in circles).
  • If you have a plaster cast, keep it dry at all times by putting a plastic bag over it and sealing it with tape before showering.

What you should not do

  • Do not use your injured arm to lift heavy objects.
  • You may be unable to drive at this time.
  • Try to reduce or stop smoking, as this can slow bone healing.

You will need a follow up

  • A follow up appointment in the orthopaedic clinic will be requested when you leave the emergency department — we will contact you about the date and time.

If you have concerns or questions

  • If your injury is not settling or you are concerned about how it is healing, call your healthcare provider first — take your ACC form or number with you.
  • Seek medical attention if you have any of these problems:
    • increasing pain in your hand
    • being unable to move your fingers
    • numbness or tingling in your hand
    • cold fingers, or they look blue or white compared with those on the other hand.

What happened

  • You have broken your collar bone — this is a common injury.

What you can expect

  • You will need to wear a sling for your arm, to keep the elbow at a right angle.
  • You will be in the sling for about 6 weeks.
  • You should expect to feel some pain for 4 to 6 weeks, sometimes longer.

What you can do

  • Take regular pain relief as needed, such as paracetamol.
  • For the first few days you can ice the injury to help reduce the pain and swelling.
  • You may find it more comfortable to sleep propped up on pillows for a few nights — it helps stop you rolling over onto your injured side.
  • As soon as you are comfortable, you can start elbow movements:
    • First, take your arm out of the sling and fully bend and straighten your elbow several times. 
    • Then, keeping your elbow still, flip your hand between palm facing upwards to palm facing downwards several times.
    • These movements help prevent stiffness in your joints — try repeating them 4 or 5 times a day.
  • You should begin to move your arm and shoulder as soon as you feel able to  — this may take a couple of weeks.
    • Start by leaning forward with your injured arm hanging downwards and rotating it in small circular movements.
    • Do this 4 or 5 times a day.
  • You can return to 'gentle' sports such as swimming as soon as you are comfortable.
  • You can make an appointment to see a physiotherapist to help you with rehabilitation once you are no longer using a sling  — take your ACC form or number with you.

What you should not do

  • Generally, avoid non-contact sports for 6 weeks and contact sports such as football, rugby and hockey for 8 weeks.

You will need a follow up

  • A follow up appointment in the orthopaedic clinic will be requested when you leave the emergency department — we will contact you about the date and time.
  • This will usually be about 6 weeks after your injury.

If you have concerns or questions

  • If your injury is not settling or you are concerned about how it is healing, call your healthcare provider first — take your ACC form or number with you.
  • See your healthcare provider if the pain is increasing or you have persistent tingling or altered sensation in your arm or hand.

What happened

  • You have broken a small part of a bone in your elbow — this is a quite a common fracture.
  • It usually does not need surgery.

What to expect

  • You will have your arm put in a cast by the emergency department staff — you will also get a sling for comfort.
  • You are likely to be in the cast for at least 4 to 6 weeks.
  • Your elbow will feel sore and swollen.
  • Your fingers might also become swollen, especially in the first day or two — this is common.
  • It may take some time for normal strength in the elbow to return.

What you can do

  • Take regular pain relief as needed, such as paracetamol.
  • Keep your fingers moving as often as you can.
  • Keep your plaster cast dry at all times by putting a plastic bag over it and sealing it with tape before showering — a wet cast will get soggy and fall apart.
  • You may find putting your arm up (elevating it) on 1 or 2 pillows while sitting or sleeping is more comfortable and helps reduce the swelling.

What you should not do

  • Try to reduce or stop smoking, as this can slow bone healing.
  • Do not use your injured arm for heavy lifting.
  • You may be unable to drive — check with your healthcare provider and insurer.
  • Do not take part in contact sport or intense physical activity.

You will need a follow up

  • A follow up appointment in the orthopaedic clinic will be requested when you leave the emergency department — we will contact you about the date and time. 

If you have concerns or questions

  • If your injury is not settling or you are concerned about how it is healing, call your healthcare provider first — take your ACC form or number with you.
  • Seek medical attention if you have any of these problems:
    • numbness or tingling in your arm or fingers
    • pain when you move your fingers
    • being unable to move your fingers
    • cold, blue or white fingers compared with those on the other hand.

What happened

  • You have broken (fractured) a bone in your elbow — this is quite a common fracture.
  • This injury may need surgery.

What to expect

  • You will have your arm put in a cast by the emergency department staff — you will also get a sling for comfort.
  • Your elbow will feel sore and swollen and you may get bruising down your arm and into your fingers — this is normal.
  • After your initial follow up appointment, your cast will be removed and you will get either an arm brace which allows limited movement, or a sling, for another 3 or 4 weeks.

What you can do

  • Take regular pain relief as needed, such as paracetamol.
  • You may find it more comfortable while sitting or sleeping to prop up your arm on 1 or 2 pillows.
  • Keep your shoulder, wrist and fingers moving as often as you can.
  • Keep your cast dry at all times by putting a plastic bag over it and securing it with tape before showering. A wet cast will get soggy and fall apart.
  • You can start gentle elbow movements after 1 to 2 weeks.

What you should not do

  • Do not use your injured arm to lift heavy objects.
  • You may be unable to drive — check with your healthcare provider and insurer.
  • Try to reduce or stop smoking, as this can slow bone healing.

You will need a follow up

  • A follow up appointment in the orthopaedic clinic will be requested when you leave the emergency department — we will contact you about the date and time.

If you have concerns or questions

  • If your injury is not settling or you are concerned about how it is healing, call your healthcare provider first — take your ACC form or number with you.
  • Seek medical attention if you have any of these problems:
    • increasing pain in your hand
    • being unable to move your fingers
    • numbness or tingling in your hand
    • cold fingers, or they look blue or white compared with those on the other hand.

What happened

  • You have a very small break (fracture) in the head or neck of the radius, one of the bones in your forearm and elbow.

What you can expect

  • You will be given a sling to wear to hold your elbow in a comfortable position for a few days.

What you can do

  • Take regular pain relief as needed, such as paracetamol.
  • It is important to keep the elbow moving — this prevents stiffness and allows a quicker return to normal movement.
  • You can gradually stop using the sling as your pain eases — aim to remove it as soon as possible. You do not need to see a doctor before doing this.
  • Start doing gentle range of motion exercises — bending and straightening your elbow several times when it is out of the sling.

What you should not do

  • Avoid strenuous physical activity that could further injure your arm, such as heavy lifting.
  • Try to reduce or stop smoking, as this may slow bone healing.
  • You may be unable to drive — check with your healthcare provider and insurer.

You will need a follow up

  • A follow up appointment in the orthopaedic clinic will be requested when you leave the emergency department — we will contact you about the date and time.

If you have concerns or questions

  • If your injury is not settling or you are concerned about how it is healing, call your healthcare provider first — take your ACC form or number with you.
  • Seek medical attention if you have any of these problems:
    • increasing pain in your hand or arm
    • numbness or tingling in your hand or arm.

What happened

  • You have broken (fractured) one of the bones in your finger — these are common injuries.
  • This injury usually heals very well without further treatment.

What you can expect

  • Your finger will be swollen and bruised.
  • It may be difficult to move this finger at the time of the injury.
  • Your finger may be put in a special splint that you will need to wear.
  • When you can return to work or sport depends on the type of activity. It is possible once there are signs of healing on the x-ray and the pain has improved — this can take 6 to 8 weeks or longer.

What you can do

  • Wear your splint at all times for about 3 weeks.
  • After removing the splint, your finger may feel sore at first. 
  • It is important to start moving the finger to prevent stiffness.

What you should not do

  • Avoid activity that could further injure your finger, such as heavy lifting.
  • Try to reduce or stop smoking, as this may slow bone healing.

You will need a follow up

  • A follow up appointment in the orthopaedic clinic will be requested when you leave the emergency department — we will contact you about the date and time.

If you have concerns or questions

  • If your injury is not settling or you are concerned about how it is healing, call your healthcare provider first — take your ACC form or number with you.

What happened

  • You have broken the end of your finger (it is called a tuft fracture) — this is a common injury.
  • It usually heals very well without any further treatment,

What to expect 

  • Your finger will be put in a splint.

What you can do

  • You may need to take regular pain relief, such as paracetamol, for the first few days after the injury.
  • It is important to keep your finger and hand moving, to prevent stiffness.
  • After 2 weeks you can remove the splint — you do not need to see a doctor before doing this.

What you should not do

  • There are no particular limits on what you can and cannot do.
  • Try to reduce or stop smoking, as this may slow bone healing.

You will not need a follow up

  • These fingertip injuries do not require you to return to hospital.

If you have concerns or questions

  • If your injury is not settling or you are concerned about how it is healing, call your healthcare provider first — take your ACC form or number with you.

What happened

  • You have broken a bone on the outside of your foot — this type of break is common.
  • It normally heals well without surgery.

What to expect

  • You will have pain and swelling where you injured your foot — it should improve over several weeks or months.
  • You will get a removable boot (moon boot) or your foot put in a cast by the emergency department staff.
  • You can take your moon boot off to shower and change clothes.
  • At first you may find it painful to walk on the foot — it can help to walk on your heel or use crutches.
  • For some types of fracture you may not be able to put weight on the injured foot while it heals — your doctor will tell you about this.
  • You may be in a cast or a moon boot for 6 to 8 weeks.
  • It may take several months for you to feel completely back to normal after this injury.

What you can do

  • Take regular pain relief as needed, such as paracetamol.
  • You may find putting your leg up on a chair or stool (elevating it) helps reduce the pain and swelling.
  • After the boot or cast is removed you should see a physiotherapist. They can help you restore strength and movement in your foot. You should be sent a referral from the hospital — take your ACC form or number with you.

What you should not do

  • Try to reduce or stop smoking, as this may slow bone healing.

You will need a follow up

  • A follow up appointment in the orthopaedic clinic will be requested when you leave the emergency department — we will contact you about the date and time. It may be up to 6 weeks after the injury, depending on where the fracture is.

If you have concerns or questions

  • If your injury is not settling or you are concerned about how it is healing, call your healthcare provider first — take your ACC form or number with you.

What happened

  • You have had a minor break in the bone near your knuckle.

What to expect

  • You will have your hand put in a cast by the emergency department staff.
  • Depending on where the fracture is, you may be in the cast for 4 to 6 weeks.

What you can do

  • Take regular pain relief as needed, such as paracetamol.
  • Keep your plaster cast dry at all times by putting a plastic bag over it and sealing it with tape before showering — a wet cast will get soggy and fall apart.

What you should not do

  • Try to reduce or stop smoking, as this can slow bone healing.
  • Do not use your injured hand for heavy lifting.

You will need a follow up

  • A follow up appointment in the orthopaedic clinic will be requested when you leave the emergency department — we will contact you about the date and time. 

If you have concerns or questions

  • If your injury is not settling or you are concerned about how it is healing, call your healthcare provider first — take your ACC form or number with you.
  • Seek medical attention if you have any of these problems:
    • numbness or tingling in your hand
    • increasing pain in your hand
    • being unable to move your fingers
    • cold, blue or white fingers compared with those on the other hand.

What happened

  • You may have broken (fractured) a small bone (the scaphoid) in your wrist.
  • These types of breaks are often hard to see initially on x-ray — you may need other types of scans as well. 
  • Your wrist and hand will be put into a cast by the emergency department staff. This will stay on until you are seen by the orthopaedic clinic.
  • With a scaphoid fracture, you will probably be in a cast for 8 weeks, occasionally longer.

What you can expect

  • Your hand may be swollen and sore, and you may get some bruising on your fingers — this is normal.
  • If your treatment has not needed an operation, you will likely be able to return to sport and heavy physical work after 12 weeks.

What you can do

  • Take regular pain relief as needed, such as paracetamol.
  • You may find putting your arm up (elevating it) on 1 or 2 pillows while sitting and sleeping helps reduce the swelling and pain.
  • While in the cast, keep moving your fingers by bending and straightening them.
  • Keep your cast dry by covering it with a plastic bag and securing it with tape before showering — a wet cast will get soggy and fall apart.

What you should not do

  • Do not use your injured hand for heavy lifting.
  • Try to reduce or stop smoking as this may slow bone healing.

You will need a follow up

  • A follow up appointment in the orthopaedic clinic will be requested when you leave the emergency department — we will contact you about the date and time.

If you have concerns or questions

  • If your injury is not settling or you are concerned about how it is healing, call your healthcare provider first — take your ACC form or number with you.
  • Seek medical attention if you have any of these problems:
    • increasing pain in your hand
    • being unable to move your fingers
    • numbness or tingling in your hand
    • cold fingers, or they look blue or white compared with those on the other hand.

What happened

  • You have broken your knee cap (patella) — this is quite a common common injury.
  • It usually does not need surgery.

What you can expect

  • Your knee will be swollen and sore.
  • At first, you may be unable to put any weight on your injured leg —  you should not bend your knee.
  • You will get some bruising around the knee and sometimes down to your calf, ankle and foot — this is normal.
  • You will have your leg put in a knee brace by the emergency department staff, with your knee in a straight position.
  • You will probably keep the knee brace on for 4 to 6 weeks — it may be changed to allow the knee to bend a little after a few weeks.

What you can do

  • Take regular pain relief as needed, such as paracetamol.
  • You may find putting your leg up on a chair or stool (elevating it) helps reduce the pain and swelling. You can also raise it on 1 or 2 pillows when lying down.
  • Use the crutches provided to make it easier to get around

What you should not do

  • Do not bend your knee until you have been reviewed in the orthopaedic clinic.
  • You may be unable to drive — check with your healthcare provider and insurer.
  • Do not take your leg out of the brace except for showering — make sure your knee is always kept straight when the brace is off.
  • Avoid exercise and sport.
  • Try to reduce or stop smoking, as this may slow bone healing.

You will need a follow up

  • A follow up appointment in the orthopaedic clinic will be requested when you leave the emergency department — we will contact you about the date and time.

If you have concerns or questions

  • If your injury is not settling or you are concerned about how it is healing, call your healthcare provider first — take your ACC form or number with you.

What happened

  • You have broken the outer bone (fibula) in your lower leg  — this long, thin bone usually heals very well.

What you can expect

  • You may get a removable boot (moon boot) or your leg put in a cast by the emergency department staff.
  • You will also be given a set of crutches to help you move about.
  • You will be in the cast or moon boot for about 6 weeks.
  • Your leg will be sore and uncomfortable for several weeks.
  • You may get bruising and swelling in your foot — this is normal and it will improve over time.
  • If you spend time on your feet at work, your return to work may be limited by pain and swelling for 6 weeks.

What you can do

  • Take regular pain relief as needed, such as paracetamol.
  • You may find putting your leg up on a chair or stool (elevating it) helps reduce the pain and swelling.
  • Walking on your leg is likely to make your pain worse, but you can touch the foot down to help you balance while standing.
  • You may need to see a physiotherapist to help with rehabilitation — take your ACC form or number with you.
  • You can gradually return to sport, usually after 6 weeks.

What you should not do

  • Try to reduce or stop smoking, as this can slow bone healing.
  • If your leg is in a cast, do not get it wet. Secure a plastic bag over the cast using tape before showering. A wet cast becomes soggy and falls apart.

You will need a follow up

  • A follow up appointment in the orthopaedic clinic will be requested when you leave the emergency department — we will contact you about the date and time.

If you have concerns or questions

  • If your injury is not settling or you are concerned about how it is healing, call your healthcare provider first — take your ACC form or number with you.

What happened

  • You have broken the top part of your arm bone (the humerus), a part of the shoulder joint.
  • This is a common injury and usually it does not need surgery.

What you can expect

  • Your shoulder may be painful and tender — you may find it is difficult to move it normally.
  • You may get bruising that goes down your arm to the elbow — this is normal.
  • Your arm will be put in a sling at the emergency department — this will help ease the pain early on.
  • Complete healing takes about 6 to 12 weeks.
  • It may take several months before you can get back to your normal activities, depending on what you do.

What you can do

  • Take regular pain relief as needed, such as paracetamol.
  • You may find it more comfortable while sitting or sleeping to prop your arm up on 1 or 2 pillows.
  • You will need to wear your sling at all times for about 4 to 6 weeks, except when bathing or doing arm exercises.
  • You should begin to regularly bend and straighten your elbow with your arm out of the sling and move your fingers and wrist as soon as it is comfortable to do this.
  • As you feel comfortable, start to hang the arm out of the sling and do 'pendulum exercises' — stand, lean forward, relax your injured arm so it hangs down and make small movements with it (side to side, forwards and back, and in circles).
  • If you have not been referred to a physiotherapist by the hospital, you can book an appointment with one. They will provide movement and strengthening exercises to help your recovery — take your ACC form or number with you.

What you should not do

  • Do not use your injured arm to lift heavy objects.
  • Do not lift your arm above shoulder height.
  • You may be unable to drive — check with your healthcare provider and insurer.
  • Try to reduce or stop smoking, as this can slow bone healing.

You will need a follow up

  • A follow up appointment in the orthopaedic clinic will be requested when you leave the emergency department — we will contact you about the date and time. 

If you have concerns or questions

  • If your injury is not settling or you are concerned about how it is healing, call your healthcare provider first — take your ACC form or number with you.

What happened

  • You have fractured (broken) the top of your arm bone (the humerus) near the shoulder joint.

What you can expect

  • These fractures are usually treated with a special type of sling called a collar and cuff.
  • Wearing the sling will help ease the pain.
  • This injury does not usually need surgery, but you may need physiotherapy to help you recover.
  • It may take several months before you can get back to your normal activities, depending on what you do.

What you can do

  • Take regular pain relief as needed, such as paracetamol.
  • You may be more comfortable sleeping propped up on pillows for the first few days.
  • Try to move your hand and wrist as often as you can.
  • You should remove your sling and bend and straighten your elbow regularly from day 1 — this may be easiest if you support the weight of the injured arm.
  • As you begin to feel more comfortable, you can start to hang your arm out of the sling and gently move it in circles.
  • You can make an appointment to see a physiotherapist to help you with rehabilitation — take your ACC form or number with you.

What you should not do

  • Do not use your injured arm to lift heavy objects.
  • Do not lift your arm above shoulder height.
  • You may be unable to drive — check with your healthcare provider and insurer.
  • Try to reduce or stop smoking, as this can slow bone healing.

You will need a follow up

  • A follow up appointment in the orthopaedic clinic will be requested when you leave the emergency department — we will contact you about the date and time.

If you have concerns or questions

  • If your injury is not settling or you are concerned about how it is healing, call your healthcare provider first — take your ACC form or number with you.

What happened

  • You have broken (fractured) one of your toes — this is a common type of fracture.

What you can expect

  • You will get a removable boot (moon boot) to wear at the emergency department. You may be able to walk on your foot without crutches or you may find it easier to use crutches to start with.
  • Your broken toe should heal within 6 weeks without problems, but it may not feel completely normal for several months.
  • The pain and swelling should improve over several weeks.

What you can do

  • For the first few days, you can take regular pain relief as needed, such as paracetamol.
  • Swelling is often worse at the end of the day — you may find putting your leg up on a chair or stool (elevating it) helps reduce the pain and swelling.
  • You can walk on your injured foot as much as you feel able to.
  • You can take the moon boot off when you feel comfortable doing so — you do not need to see a doctor first.

What you should not do

  • There are no specific limitations on what you can and cannot do.
  • Try to reduce or stop smoking as this may slow bone healing.

Follow up with your healthcare provider

  • See your healthcare provider after about 6 weeks. If they are concerned about your toe they can request a new x-ray.
  • You will not be followed up by the orthopaedic clinic.

If you have concerns or questions

  • If your injury is not settling or you are concerned about how it is healing, call your healthcare provider first — take your ACC form or number with you.

What happened

  • You have broken a bone in your wrist — this is a very common fracture.
  • This fracture nearly always heals without needing surgery.

What to expect

  • You will have your arm put in a cast by the emergency department staff — this helps keep the bone in the correct place while it heals.
  • Usually, the cast stays on for about 6 to 8 weeks.
  • Your wrist will be swollen and sore, and you may have bruising and swelling in the fingers — this is normal.

What you can do

  • Take regular pain relief as needed, such as paracetamol.
  • Keep your fingers moving.
  • You may find putting your arm up (elevating it) on 1 or 2 pillows while sitting helps reduce the swelling.

What you should not do

  • Try to reduce or stop smoking, as this can slow bone healing.
  • Do not use your injured arm for heavy lifting.
  • Do not use your injured arm to lift heavy objects.
  • Do not lift your arm above shoulder height.
  • You may be unable to drive — check with your healthcare provider and insurer.

You will need a follow up

  • A follow up appointment in the orthopaedic clinic will be requested when you leave the emergency department — we will contact you about the date and time. 
  • You will need more x-rays to check it is healing.

If you have concerns or questions

  • If your injury is not settling after 6 weeks or you are concerned about how it is healing, call your healthcare provider first — take your ACC form or number with you.
  • Seek medical attention if you have any of these problems:
    • increasing pain in your hand
    • being unable to move your fingers
    • numbness or tingling in your hand
    • cold fingers, or they look blue or white compared with those on the other hand.

Accident cover

The Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) is a government agency that helps pay for treatment if you are injured in an accident.

The ACC provides comprehensive, no-fault personal injury cover for all residents and visitors to Aotearoa New Zealand. This means if you are hurt in an accident, ACC can help no matter who caused the accident.

If you have an accident and need emergency care in a hospital, it will be covered by ACC.

ACC usually pays some of the other medical costs if you have an accident, like surgery, physiotherapy and medicines. ACC may also be able to cover some loss of earnings resulting from an accident.

I'm injured — The Accident Compensation Corporation (external link)