The B4 School Check

The B4 School Check is a free health and development check for your 4 year old. It is the last Well Child Tamariki Ora check and helps give your child the best start at school. Remember to take your child’s My Health Book with you to the check.

If you miss the B4 School Check

If you are concerned about the growth and development of your tamariki, and they have missed their 4 to 5 year old B4 School Check, you should:

  • phone Healthline on 0800 611 116 to discuss any health or development concerns
  • contact your family doctor or healthcare provider
  • talk to a teacher at your child's kōhanga reo, daycare or kindergarten.

How to get a B4 School Check for your tamariki

If your tamariki has turned 4, they are due for their B4 School Check now. If you have not heard from your local B4 School Check provider it is important you contact them to make a booking.

B4 School Check providers (internal link)

It is a good idea for your tamariki to have their B4 School Check soon after their 4th birthday. That leaves enough time for them to get any help needed before they start school.

Where the B4 School Check is done

Your local B4 School Check provider will let you know where your child’s check will take place.

The check takes place in a variety of community, health and education settings.

What happens at the B4 School Check

You and your tamariki will have an appointment with a nurse for about 45 minutes. The nurse will explain what happens at the check and will ask if you agree (consent) to the check.

You will be able to talk with the nurse about your tamariki and anything that is worrying you.

Before their check, look at the B4 School Check pages in the My Health Book for ideas for things to talk about.

Well Child Tamariki Ora My Health Book — HealthEd (external link)

The check

The nurse will:

  • check their height and weight
  • check their teeth
  • ask if they have been immunised
  • ask you questions about their learning and development, and strengths and difficulties
  • ask you questions about their health and wellbeing
  • provide you advice and support about their health and development.

National Immunisation Schedule (internal link)

Vision and hearing check

A vision and hearing technician will check your tamariki can see and hear well. This may happen at a different time to the rest of your child’s B4 School Check.

Questionnaires about your tamariki

At, or sometimes before, the check you will be asked to fill out questionnaires about your child’s development and wellbeing.

If your tamariki goes to a preschool, kindergarten or kōhanga reo, they will also be asked about your child’s learning and development.

After the B4 School Check

If you or the nurse have any concerns, the nurse will discuss this with you and offer to refer you to other services that may help.

The nurse can also help if your tamariki needs to catch up on any missed immunisations.

Catching up on missed immunisations (internal link)

Your child's B4 School Check results

You can get a copy of your child’s B4 School Check results. The nurse will also record your child’s growth and development in your child’s My Health Book.

The nurse will explain:

  • what happens to the information collected about your tamariki during the check
  • who will have access to the information
  • what will be shared with your child’s healthcare provider, preschool, kindergarten or kōhanga reo, and school.