Family harm

Family harm is when someone uses their words or actions to control or harm a family or whānau member. Family harm is serious and can have long-term effects.

Reporting family harm

If you or your whānau are in immediate danger, call 111 and ask for the police. 111 calls are free. You can call this number on a mobile phone even if the phone is out of credit.

What family harm is

Family harm can be a single act or a pattern of behaviour that causes harm, and that harm adds up over time for the person being targeted.

The harm or control can be:

  • physical
  • emotional
  • psychological
  • financial or dowry related
  • sexual
  • property or assets.

Harm or control can be one or a combination of these.


Getting help for family harm

If you are experiencing or witnessing harm, or want to change your own behaviour, help is available. Contact:

If you need a place to stay

The Women's Refuge can help with short-term accommodation. Call — 0508 744 633

For other help and support

Victim Support can give you help and advice on what to do and where to go for the counselling you might need.

Call Victim Support — 0800 842 846.

ACC's sensitive claims service provides support for anyone in Aotearoa New Zealand, including visitors to the country, who has experienced sexual abuse or assault in New Zealand.

Support if you’ve experienced sexual abuse or assault

If you want or need to keep your former partner away from you apply for a protection order from the Ministry of Justice.  It's free. 

Apply for a protection order - Ministry of Justice (external link)