Dental health services
Free community dental care is available for tamariki and rangatahi and there is a free emergency dental clinic for adults over 18 with a community services card. The Taranaki Base Hospital and Hāwera Hospital provide dental care in some circumstances.
Community oral health for tamariki and rangatahi
Free basic dental care is provided for tamarikiand rangatahi (aged 0 to 17) by the Community Oral Health Service and contracted dentists.
Pēpi and tamariki
Healthpoint has a list of clinics, the free dental treatment covered and how to enrol your child for dental care between the ages of 0 to 12
Community oral health service in Taranaki — Healthpoint (external link)
All eligible rangatahi (teenagers) from school Year 9 can get free dental care every year until their 18th birthday. Dental care is free even if they are not at school.
Dental care for rangatahi (internal link)
In an emergency
If your child aged 0-13 (Year 8) is in pain:
- phone 0800 825 583
At the weekend or after hours
Call the on-call dentist on:
- phone 06 753 7866.
If your child has a swollen face take them to the nearest emergency department.
If the pain is not urgent call Healthline on 0800 611 116 for free 24-hour advice.
When you can, leave a message on our voicemail with your:
- name
- child’s name
- child’s date of birth
- contact phone number.
phone 0800 825 583
When the clinic is open our dental staff will contact you as soon as they can.
Emergency dental care for low income adults
The service provides emergency dental care to adults aged 18 years or older with a Community Services Card.
Contact us
Contact the emergency dental service for an appointment on:
- phone: 06 751 3507
- hours: Friday mornings.
Where to find us
Rangiatea Clinic
South Road
New Plymouth.
You will be charged a part payment of $40 per person payable on the day.
Weekends and public holidays
If you need emergency care in the weekends and public holidays:
- phone 06 753 7866.
Hospital dental care
Dental care is provided at Taranaki Base Hospital and Hāwera Hospital for people with disabilities, special needs and some adults. You will need to be referred by your healthcare provider.
Some of the specialist dental services available at Taranaki Base Hospital and Hāwera Hospital include:
- oral health services as part of inpatient hospital medical and surgical treatment
- dental services needing admission to hospital eg services needing a general anaesthetic
- general and specialist oral health services for people needing special care because of medical conditions or disabilities
- general and specialist oral health services for persons requiring special care or severe conditions that cannot be treated at a general practice
- oral-maxillofacial surgery by a registered oral maxillofacial surgeon.
There may be a fee for some hospital services. If you have a Community Services Card, the fees are subsidised.