If you do not need treatment

The body usually clears the HPV virus on its own. If you have HPV or cell changes, it is unlikely that you will develop cancer or need treatment.

If you need treatment

If your test shows that you have abnormal cells, your healthcare provider will recommend different treatment options depending on your results.

Treating abnormal cells makes it unlikely that you will develop cervical cancer in the future.

Treating abnormal cell changes

Once abnormal cells are found, they can be removed. Treatment simply removes the abnormal tissue from your cervix.

Treatment is successful 95% of the time.

Most treatments are done under local anaesthetic and are very low risk.

Even with more complex treatments that need general anaesthetic, risks such as infections or bleeding are rare.

Your healthcare provider will be able to answer any of your questions. You can take a support person to your appointment.

Types of treatments

LLETZ treatment

Large Loop Excision of the Transformation Zone (LLETZ) treatment uses an electrical wire loop to remove abnormal cervical cells.

It is often performed under local anaesthetic.

The tissue removed is sent to the laboratory for testing afterwards.

Laser treatment

Laser treatment uses the heat of a laser beam to remove or destroy abnormal cervical cells.

It is performed under local anaesthetic.


Diathermy uses heat to destroy abnormal cervical cells.

It is performed under local anaesthetic.

Cone biopsy

A small cone-shaped section of the cervix containing the abnormal tissue is surgically removed.

It is performed either under local or general anaesthetic.

The tissue removed is sent to a lab for testing afterwards.


A total hysterectomy is an operation to remove the uterus and cervix.

It is performed under general anaesthetic.

Hysterectomies are only rarely advised.

After your hysterectomy, your healthcare provider will let you know whether you need to have any further screening or not depending on your results.

After treatment

Your healthcare provider will let you know about follow-up and next steps.

After it is confirmed that your treatment worked, you can continue your regular cervical screening with your usual health provider.