Annual flu vaccines

All adults are recommended to get a flu vaccine at the start of winter each year (from April 1st).

In 2024 it is free for:

  • people aged 65 years and over
  • people who have a long-term medical condition like diabetes, asthma, or a heart condition (ages 6 months and older)
  • pregnant people
  • children aged 4 years and under who have been hospitalised for respiratory illness or have a history of significant respiratory illness
  • people with mental health conditions, including schizophrenia, major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, or schizoaffective disorder
  • people who are currently accessing secondary or tertiary mental health and addiction services.

Flu vaccines can be booked online through Book My Vaccine.

Video: Flu vaccine — your questions answered

COVID-19 vaccines

All COVID-19 vaccinations are free in New Zealand — even for visitors.

Check the COVID-19 vaccine page to find out if you are eligible for a booster dose.

To find out when your last COVID-19 vaccine was, check My Health Record.

Tetanus, diphtheria, and whooping cough vaccine (Boostrix)

As an adult, you can get a free Boostrix vaccine:

  • from when you turn 45 years old (if you have not had 4 previous doses of a tetanus vaccine)
  • from when you turn 65 years old (if it has been more than 10 years since previous dose of Td or Tdap)
  • from 13 weeks of every pregnancy (recommended from 16 weeks)
  • if you get a dirty cut.

Certain people are recommended to have a Boostrix vaccine at least every 10 years — but there may be a cost. This is to boost protection against whooping cough.

This includes people who:

  • work with young children and vulnerable people
  • live with a newborn baby
  • are at higher risk of severe illness from whooping cough, for example those with chronic respiratory disease.

About the Boostrix vaccine (internal link)

Pharmacies that offer the Boostrix vaccine — Healthpoint (external link)

Shingles vaccine

The shingles vaccine is recommended for anyone aged 50 and over. It’s free for the 12 months after your 65th birthday.

If you’re not 65 years old, you will need to pay. The price will vary depending on the provider, but you can expect it to cost between $600 to $800 for both doses.

About the shingles vaccine (internal link)

Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine

Everyone should check whether they have had 2 doses of the MMR vaccine to ensure they are protected against measles.

Many adults born between 1989 and 2004 in New Zealand were not vaccinated against measles — or may only have had 1 dose.

To check whether you have been vaccinated, contact your doctor, nurse, or healthcare provider.

Aotearoa is at very high risk of a measles outbreak. It is not too late to get protected.

For adults over 18 years old, MMR vaccination is free if you are a New Zealand resident, or eligible for free healthcare.

If you know that you have had 2 measles, mumps and rubella vaccinations, you do not need additional vaccines as an adult — you are fully protected.

Find out if you need a measles vaccine (external link)

Meningococcal vaccines

As an adult, you may be able to get free MenB and MenACWY vaccines if you are:

  • 25 or under, and living in a boarding school, hostel, halls of residence, military barracks, or prisons
  • at higher risk of some diseases due to certain medical conditions, such as a weakened immune system.

Healthy people under 25 years old in close-living conditions (like uni halls) are at higher risk of meningococcal disease — which can be rapidly life-threatening.

If you have previously had meningococcal vaccinations, get immunised again if your last meningococcal vaccinations were more than 5 years ago. You need both MenACWY and MenB vaccinations for best protection.

If you are not eligible for free vaccination, talk to your doctor, nurse, or healthcare provider about whether extra protection is a good idea and how much it would cost.

About meningococcal vaccines (internal link)

HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine

If you were not immunised against HPV as a child, you can get free vaccination until you turn 27 years old.

You will need 3 doses, given over 6 months.

If you’ve been vaccinated against HPV you do not need any additional doses when you’re an adult.

You can pay for the HPV vaccine until you turn 45 years old. It can cost approximately $240 per dose (and you need 3 doses).

About HPV vaccines (internal link)

Extra vaccines for adults

Additional free vaccines are available for adults who are at higher risk of some diseases due to specific living situations, or certain medical conditions, such as a weakened immune system.

Ask your doctor, nurse, or healthcare provider what extra free immunisations you may need. Extra vaccines include:

  • hepatitis A
  • pneumococcal.

About hepatitis A vaccines (internal link)

About pneumococcal vaccines (internal link)

If you recently moved to New Zealand from overseas

If you have recently moved to Aotearoa New Zealand from overseas you should check with a doctor whether you have had the vaccinations recommended in New Zealand. The vaccinations you need might be different to the country you were living before. 

If you are eligible for free healthcare in New Zealand, many vaccines will be free. 

To enrol you need to call your local a doctor or heathcare provider and ask if they are enrolling new patients. 

Find a doctor in your area  Healthpoint (external link)

It helps to provide your doctor with records of any past immunisations. You can ask your previous overseas doctor or healthcare provider for these.

Your vaccinator will use these records to work out what vaccines are needed and will plan an appropriate schedule.

If you cannot access your vaccination history, let your vaccinator know, and they will discuss an appropriate catch-up plan.

If you are travelling overseas

If you are travelling overseas, you should check you are up to date with routine vaccinations — in particular measles, hepatitis B, and tetanus.

Depending on where you are travelling to, you may also need to be immunised against other diseases such as yellow fever, rabies, cholera, hep A and typhoid.

Before travelling, check with your doctor, nurse, or healthcare provider to see if extra vaccinations are needed for the areas ypu are travelling to. There will be a cost for these. You can also check the following websites: