What a commode is

A commode can be used as a:

  • portable toilet
  • toilet frame.

Do not use a commode in the bath or shower.

Most commodes have a maximum weight capacity. Your occupational therapist will make sure you get a commode that is right for you.

Use the commode as a toilet frame


Lift up toilet lid and seat

These may need to be removed.


Place the commode over the toilet

Make sure the splash guard is in place and will not stop you from flushing the toilet.

The back bar can be removed if needed.

Use the commode as a portable toilet


Put the commode against a wall

This helps make sure the commode is stable.


Put the bucket in place

Also make sure the back rail is fitted.

Always use 2 hands to push off the commode as it could tip.

Adjust the height of your commode


Push in the metal buttons on the leg

Set legs at a height for the person using the commode.


Click the buttons into the correct holes

Make sure the:

  • buttons are completely popped out
  • commode is level.

One leg has extra holes — this is used to stabilise the commode on uneven surfaces.