
Whanganui hospitals

Information about hospitals in Whanganui, such as address and contact details, services, and patient and visitor information. The Whanganui DHB website has been shutdown. The information has been moved to this site or our Health NZ website.

Do you know where to go?

Emergency Departments are busy places. You may be able to get your health concern treated faster using a more appropriate service.

Find the right healthcare for you and your whānau

Whanganui Hospital

Whanganui Hospital is a 138-bed secondary hospital with an emergency department and after hours, inpatient and outpatient services, critical care unit, maternity unit and acute mental health services.

Other Whanganui healthcare providers

Find health centres and other healthcare providers on Healthpoint.

Whanganui — Healthpoint


How was the care you or your whānau received at Whanganui? We welcome feedback, compliments or complaints to help us get things right.

Phone: 06 348 3405

Email: contact@wdhb.org.nz