Ngā rōpū aromatawai tairaru Mental health crisis assessment teams
Find phone numbers for mental health crisis services in your region. These are for emergencies only.
Mental health crisis phone numbers
- Whangarei: (09) 430 4101 extn 3537
Monday to Friday 8am to 4:30pm - Kaipara district: (09) 439 3330 extn 65401
Monday to Friday 8am to 4:30pm - Mid North district: 0800 643 647
Monday to Friday 8am to 4:30pm - Far North district: (09) 408 9187
Monday to Friday 8am to 4:30pm - Weekends and after hours: 0800 223 371
- North Shore: (09) 486 8900
- Henderson: (09) 822 8501
- Rodney: (09) 427 0360
- 0800 800 717 operates 24/7
- (09) 261 3700
- After hours: 0800 775 222
- Tauranga: 0800 800 508
- Whakatane: 0800 774 545
- 0800 243 500
- After 10pm call: (06) 869 0512
- Nelson region from Rai Valley to Korere to Riwaka: 0800 776 364
- Marlborough, as far as the Clarence River and up to the Lakes and down the Sounds, and as far as Rai Valley: 0800 948 497
- Golden Bay area, from the top of Takaka Hill to Turimawiwi on the west coast of Golden Bay: 0800 776 364
- 0800 467 846
press 1 for Southland, press 2 for Otago