PICC lines

A PICC line is a thin tube used to deliver medicines or liquid food to your body. Your healthcare provider may recommend a PICC line if you need frequent treatment. While they do not need a lot of care, it is important you keep the dressing dry and clean.

How a PICC line is inserted

The PICC line will be inserted in the hospital by a specialist doctor or nurse. 

You will be awake during the procedure. You will be given local anaesthetic so you do not feel anything. 

The PICC line is inserted through a vein in your arm. It is passed through larger veins to end near your heart. An ultrasound may be used to find a suitable vein. 

After the procedure is complete, you will have a chest x-ray to make sure it is in the right place.

You may have some discomfort for a few days. 

What a PICC line is used for

Your PICC line may have more than one line. This is so you can have different treatments at the same time. 

PICC lines are used for treatment for:

  • cancer treatments such as chemotherapy
  • antibiotics for serious infections
  • intravenous (IV) fluid
  • liquid nutrients if you cannot eat. 

Your PICC line may be also used to take samples of your blood for testing, or to give blood transfusions. 

Looking after your PICC line

Your PICC line does not need a lot of care. But it is important to keep the dressing clean and dry.

  • When you shower make sure to cover it with a waterproof dressing.
  • Avoid activities such as swimming or having a bath. 

A community or district nurse will change your dressing when needed.

When to seek urgent medical advice

Contact your healthcare provider straight away if:

  • the area around your PICC line is red, tender, swollen or bleeding
  • you develop a fever of 38ºC or higher
  • you develop a rash
  • your PICC line seems blocked.

How long your PICC line stays in

Your PICC line will stay in for as long as you need treatment. This could be up to a year. 

When you no longer need your PICC line, your nurse will take it out. 

Until your skin is healed, you will have a dressing on. This is normally only for 1 to 2 days.